
A simple Python binding for Seeed Studio DepthEye camera

Primary LanguageC++


A simple Python binding for Seeed Studio DepthEye camera


Currently, the program can only be built on Ubuntu 16.04.

Building and installing Boost

  1. Download and extract the boost libraries: `curl -L https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.70.0/source/boost_1_70_0.tar.gz | tar xz
  2. Install system dependencies: sudo apt install -y python-dev build-essential git-core python-numpy
  3. Prepare to build the boost libaries: cd boost_1_70_0 && ./bootstrap.sh
  4. Build boost libraries: ./b2 --with-python
  5. Install boost libraries: sudo ./b2 --with-python install
  6. Run sudo ldconfig

Setting up DepthCam dependencies

  1. Clone the DepthEye SDK: git clone https://github.com/pointcloud-ai/DepthEyeSdk.git
  2. Set up an environment variable to point to the installation dir: export VOXEL_SDK_PATH=${HOME}/DepthEyeSdk/third_party/voxelsdk_ubuntu_4.13


  1. Clone the PyDepthEye repository: git clone https://github.com/avishorp/PyDepthEye.git.
  2. Build: cd PyDepthEye && make. The process should complete with module named depth_eye.so.

Using the module

To use the Python module, voxel SDK libraries must be in the path. This can be either be done by copying the libraries to a system library directory, or by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH prior to execution of Python. Instructions are available at the PyDepthSdk repository README file.

Basic Example

import sys
import depth_eye

def frame_cb(phase, amplitude):
    # Phase and amplitude images are available here
    # as numpy arrays. Each array is 80x60. The value
    # of each pixel ranges between 0 to 2047

devices = depth_eye.scan()
print("Found %d devices" % len(devices))

if (len(devices) == 0):
    print("No device found, exiting")

# If multiple devices are connected, select one here
selected = devices[0]

frame_rate = 100
c = depth_eye.capture(selected, frame_cb, frame_rate)