
Extra modules which work with parcel-core

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Parcel - A gift of a game framework

This is a micro framework which can be used in conjunction with the DOME engine to make simulation-based games in Wren.

Warning: This framework is an undocumented work in progress, but iterations of it have already been used in different jam projects.

It provides core classes for a World, made of up Zones (with an associated map), which contains a collection of entities.

Entities declare their actions, represented by discrete Action classes, which the engine then executes to modify the world state.

Parcel also keeps a strict seperation between the UI and the world "model", which allows for greater flexibility.

Various components of Parcel are hot-swappable: For example, Parcel allows for both real-time and turn-based games using the scheme above.


The core architecture was proposed in this article by Bob Nystrom before it was adapted for DOME by Aviv Beeri.