
Resource management command-line program which shows Memory Utilization, Sessions opened in System, CPU Cores Usage and System Information in Terminal.

Primary LanguageC


Resource management command-line program which shows Memory Utilization, Sessions opened in System, CPU Cores Usage and System Information in Terminal.


ezgif com-gif-maker

How to run (use) my program: It works like the Basic Code, Nothing Different Flags that can be used:

  • “--system” - Prints : Memory, CPU and System Info
  • “--user” - Prints : Session and System Info
  • “--graphics” - Prints: Graphics
  • “--samples=N” - N should be integer (0,1...)
  • “--tdelay=T” - T should be integer (0,1....)
  • “NT”: NisSampleandTisDelaybut“NT”shouldbethelastflaginthetheargument in the ./a.out
  • “N” : N is Sample but “N” should be the last flag in the argument in the ./a.out
  • None - It will print everything

Note: Everything can be combined other than:

  • “--system” and “--user” cannot be used at same time since both are exclusive
  • “N T” and “N” since one or other should be the last one both cannot be
  • If “--samples=N” or “N” or “N T” are combined then one of “N” or “N T” will be taken