
Source code and other accessory materials for my talks.


Date Event Location Talk Video Photo
2020-11-20 DUMP Ekaterinburg, Russia React: Lifting state up is killing your app
2020-09-03 International JavaScript Conference London, UK React: Lifting state up is killing your app
2020-05-01 Byteconf React 2020 Online React: Lifting state up is killing your app
2020-04-28 Node.js SPb MeetUP11 Online Strict mode in TypeScript or help your compiler help you Video
2020-04-20 International JavaScript Conference (Online Edition) Online Strict mode in TypeScript or help your compiler help you
2020-02-29 Panda Meetup Innopolis Innopolis, Russia Strict mode in TypeScript or help your compiler help you Video Photo
2020-02-05 BeerJS Voronezh #2 Voronezh, Russia Strict mode in TypeScript or help your compiler help you
2020-01-24 AgentConf 2020 Dornbirn, Austria React: Lifting state up is killing your app Video
2019-12-21 BeerJS Voronezh #1 Voronezh, Russia React: Form management in 2020
2019-11-26 ок.tech: Frontend Meetup #2 Saint Petersburg, Russia React: Lifting state up is killing your app Video
2019-11-20 Panda Meetup #31 Frontend Moscow, Russia React: Lifting state up is killing your app Video
2019-10-26 Frontdays 2019 Tolyatti, Russia React: Lifting state up is killing your app
2019-10-18 RIF VRN 2019 Voronezh, Russia NodeJS logging made right Video
2019-09-14 meta/conf frontend meetup 2019 Voronezh, Russia React: Lifting state up is killing your app Video


React: Lifting state up is killing your app

Have you heard about “lifting state up”? Is it possible that one of the 12 main concepts listed in React official documentation might lead to poor performance? Can well-known best practices lie? We're going to build a simple data grid with React. We will see which pitfalls it hides and when O(1) can still be slow.

React: Form management in 2020

Logging made right or a long journey to the standard CLS API

How do you do logging in your applications? How do you analyze your logs later? In this session, we're going to talk about trace IDs, why they are important. We'll overview the challenges we face with the context management in asynchronous environments. We'll cover how CLS (continuation-local storage) can help us with that and its evolution from the userland library to the standard API which just recently landed in master.

Strict mode in TypeScript or help your compiler help you

TypeScript compiler has over 90 compiler options. 7 of them are known as strict. 1 option to rule them all. We will overview each one of the 7, examine what they do in theory and how it applies to real-world applications. We will go over what covariance/contravariance is, how it applies to TypeScript and why null is its worst enemy.