avk@itn.ru, https://github.com/avk-sw/pocsag2sdr
POCSAG2SDR v.0.2 (C) Alexey Kuznetsov,This program creates I/Q files suitable to transmit with SDR utlities like hackrf_transfer
It can also send POCSAG frames via COM port using DTR for signal and RTS for PTT
Usage: pocsag2sdr [options...] <cap code> <func> <message>
-s <sample rate>: sample rate in samples per second, 8000000 by default; consult your SDR docs for the optimal values
-r <POCSAG baud rate>: common values are 512, 1200 and 2400; though actually can be any integer. Default value is 1200
-d <deviation>: frequency deviation; 4500 by default
-a <amplitude>: maximum amplitude for I/Q components; 64 by default
-w <output file>: output file name; by default automatically generated. If starts with '\\.\', then it's treated as COM port name
-t <delay> : PTT delay in milliseconds in case of COM port encoder mode
-c <code_tables> : code table for message recoding
-i : turn on signal inversion; turned off by default
-v <number>: turn on verbose mode with the optional level
Destination parameters:
<cap code> : pager CAP code
<func> : function code; valid values from 0 to 3
<message> : alphanumeric message; numeric messages aren't currently supported
Supported code tables: ascii+cyrillic