
Minio Client for filesystem and cloud storage

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Minio Client (mc) Gitter

mc provides minimal tools to work with Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage and filesystems. It has features like resumable partial uploads, progress bar, parallel copy. mc is written in golang and released under Apache license v2.


mc implements the following commands

  ls		List files and folders.
  mb		Make a bucket or folder.
  cat		Display contents of a file.
  rm		Remove file or bucket.
  pig		Write contents of stdin to files. Pig is the opposite of cat command.
  cp		Copy files and folders from many sources to a single destination.
  mirror	Mirror folders recursively from a single source to many destinations.
  session	Manage sessions for cp and mirror.
  share		Share documents via URL.
  diff		Compute differences between two files or folders.
  access	Set or get access permissions.
  config	Collection of config management commands.
  update	Check for new software updates.
  version	Print version.

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Download mc from https://dl.minio.io:9000/updates/2015/Sept/linux-amd64/mc

$ wget https://dl.minio.io:9000/updates/2015/Sept/linux-amd64/mc
$ chmod +x mc
$ ./mc


Download mc from https://dl.minio.io:9000/updates/2015/Sept/darwin-amd64/mc

$ curl https://dl.minio.io:9000/updates/2015/Sept/darwin-amd64/mc > mc
$ chmod +x mc
$ ./mc


Download mc from https://dl.minio.io:9000/updates/2015/Sept/windows-amd64/mc.exe

C:\Users\Username\Downloads> mc.exe


If you do not have a working Golang environment, please follow Install Golang.

$ go get -u github.com/minio/mc

Public Minio Server

Minio server is hosted at https://play.minio.io:9000 for public use. This service is primarily intended for developers and users to familiarize themselves with Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage. Minio runs in memory mode with auto expiry of objects in about an hour. No account signup is required, which means S3 compatible tools and applications can access this service without access and secret keys.

How to use mc?


Configuring mc for Amazon S3

Get your AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey by following AWS Credentials Guide.

Once you have them update your ~/.mc/config.json configuration file.

$ mc config host add <your_s3_endpoint> <your_access_key> <your_secret_key> S3v4

NOTE: S3v4 is default unless specified.

Configure mc for Google Cloud Storage

Get your AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey by following Google Credentials Guide.

Once you have them update your ~/./mc/config.json configuration file.

$ mc config host add storage.googleapis.com <your_access_key> <your_secret_key> S3v2

NOTE: Google Cloud Storage only supports Legacy Signature Version 2, so you have to pick - S3v2

Contribute to Minio Client

Please follow Minio Contributor's Guide


If you think in Lisp or Haskell and hack in go, you would blend right in. Send your github link to callhome@minio.io.