
Twitter Crawler Core and some based apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Twitter Monitor v3 monorepo (DEV)

⚠ WARNING / 警告

This is an early release version, everything are subject to change, please DO NOT used for production!!!


This repository included core/crawler/api/scripts, frontend repository is here.

这个仓库包含 核心/爬虫/api/脚本,前端仓库位于这里


  • x86_64/arm64
  • Node.js 18+
  • Nginx
  • MySQL 8.0 / MariaDB (some function is not supported MariaDB, like function ANY_VALUE(), parser ngram) / SQLite


We use GitHub Actions to build some scripts, you can find them in BANKA2017/twitter-monitor/-/Actions/build_rollup (Login required)

How to


  • leave it as is if not necessary
  • service tmv1 and analytics in SQL_CONFIG are not necessary, execpt you used twitter monitor before 2020-03


  • NO TYPESCRIPT, core code are not yet supported typescript
  • copy and rename the setting file from libs/assets/settings_sample.mjs to libs/assets/settings.mjs, and edit it
  • enjoy it!



  • execute node apps/scripts/updateQueryIdList.mjs to update queryId
  • execute node apps/scripts/checkGraphqlFeaturesStatus.mjs for check after updating queryId


  • edit SQL_CONFIG to enable service twitter_monitor

  • execute yarn run init or npm run init

  • open config.html by browser to edit and save config file config.json as libs/assets/config.json

    Online editor

  • PM2 is a good choice for you, you also can use screen or nohup

    pm2 start apps/crawler/get_tweets.mjs
  • set crontab,e.g.

    #those are example path, use your path
    * * * * * node apps/crawler/blurhash.mjs #PHP version is better, node version is slow
    */10 * * * * node apps/crawler/updatePollsAndAudioSpace.mjs
  • you can set TWEETS_SAVE_PATH to save tweet content as json in that path

  • we use another bearer authorization token to crawl more tweets, but this token is not supported some new feature like mix media, you can replace it by the latest token (then not support nsfw content)

  • Account pools are not yet supported. In the future, you will need to prepare a large number of accounts to build account pools.


  • execute yarn run dbapi to enable the api only used databases (tmv1, twitter monitor)
  • execute yarn run api to enable full version api (dbapi and album api, online api, media proxy)
  • You need to prepare a large number of accounts to build an account pool. To learn more about account pool, please read open_account/README.md. Then copy the guest_accounts.json created by the script to the project root directory/the same directory as the app.mjs/app_online.mjs, or paste its content into the variable GUEST_ACCOUNTS of libs/assets/setting.mjs
  • *you can create a better api than mine

Watch dog

  • a script in apps/scripts named watchDog.mjs can be added to crontab to check whether some data being added in latest 30 minites


  • archive userinfo, most tweets(included reply) and nearly ALL MEDIA(included avatar and banner) by search api / timeline api, Following and Followers
  • spaces, boradcast (ffmpeg command)
  • Read more in archiver/README.md

CloudFlare Workers

Rate limit checker

  • set env android_guest_account likes

          "authorization": "Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFXzAwAAAAAAMHCxpeSDG1gLNLghVe8d74hl6k4%3DRUMF4xAQLsbeBhTSRrCiQpJtxoGWeyHrDb5te2jpGskWDFW82F",
          "oauth_token": "...",
          "oauth_token_secret": "..."
  • then execute node apps/rate_limit_checker/run.mjs

  • Read more in rate-limit-checker/README.md

OAuth open account pool

Supported Cards

* summary*
* summary_large_image
* promo_image_convo
* promo_video_convo
* promo_website
* audio*
* player
* periscope_broadcast
* broadcast
* promo_video_website
* promo_image_app
* app
* direct_store_link_app
* live_event
* moment**
* poll2choice_text_only
* poll3choice_text_only
* poll4choice_text_only
* poll2choice_image
* poll3choice_image
* poll4choice_image
* appplayer
* audiospace
* unified_card
    * image_website
    * video_website
    * image_carousel_website
    * video_carousel_website
    * image_app
    * video_app
    * image_carousel_app
    * video_carousel_app
    * image_multi_dest_carousel_website
    * video_multi_dest_carousel_website
    * mixed_media_multi_dest_carousel_website
    * mixed_media_single_dest_carousel_website
    * mixed_media_single_dest_carousel_app
    * image_collection_website
    * twitter_list_details
    * media_with_details_horizontal (for topic ?)
    * twitter_article
    * community_details

Sub packages

  • FastText for language identity, Read more
  • AxiosHelper used to fix the issue that CloudFlare Workers unable to use axios, Read more


  • GoogleTokenGenerator.php from google-translate-php, I remove some unnecessary code //now we need't use tk in Google translate
  • function get_mime is rewrited from Tieba-Cloud-Sign
  • you may notice a package named sequelize-automate-gm in package.json, this is a tiny tool to help me create model from exist tables

How it works


  • x86_64/arm64 (理论上是全平台支持的)
  • Node.js 18+
  • Nginx
  • MySQL 8.0 (使用MariaDB等基于 MySQL 5.x 的发行版可能不能支持函数 ANY_VALUE(), 解析器 ngram,会导致部分api不可用,若不使用api可忽略此处) / SQLite



  • 如无必要,保持原样
  • SQL_CONFIG 中的 tmv1 以及 analytics 的服务都不是必须的,除非您在 2022-03 重写前就使用了 twitter monitor


  • 没有 Typescript,其实是不知怎么入手
  • 拷贝编辑 libs/assets/settings_sample.mjs 并另存为 libs/assets/settings.mjs
  • 开始使用吧!



  • 运行 node apps/scripts/updateQueryIdList.mjs 以更新 queryId
  • 更新 queryId 后运行 node apps/scripts/checkGraphqlFeaturesStatus.mjs 进行检查(不通过怎么办?可以来提issue)


  • 编辑 SQL_CONFIG 以启用本服务

  • 运行 yarn run initnpm run init 以导入数据表以及在路径 libs/assets/config.json 创建配置文件


  • 我推荐使用 PM2,但 nohup 和 screen 也不是不行

    pm2 start apps/crawler/get_tweets.mjs
  • 编辑crontab

    * * * * * node apps/crawler/blurhash.mjs #PHP版更好
    */10 * * * * node apps/crawler/updatePollsAndAudioSpace.mjs
  • 设定 TWEETS_SAVE_PATH 可以将推文内容保存为json文件

  • 我们使用旧版bearer authorization token以获得更多的推文,但这个token并不支持一些新版的特性,比如混合媒体,你可以用新的token替换之(然后不支持 NSFW 内容)

  • 目前还不支持帐号池,未来需要自行准备大量帐号构建帐号池


  • 运行 yarn run dbapi 启用仅使用数据库的api (tmv1,twitter monitor)
  • 运行 yarn run api 启用全部 api (上一项的全部以及 album api,online api,media proxy)
  • 需要自行准备大量帐号构建帐号池,关于帐号池请查看 open_account/README.md。然后将脚本创建的 guest_accounts.json 拷贝到 项目根目录/执行脚本相同目录,或者将其内容粘贴到 libs/assets/setting.mjs 的变量 GUEST_ACCOUNTS
  • *欢迎自行开发一个更好的api


  • apps/scripts 里面有一个叫 watchDog.mjs 的脚本,可以添加到 crontab 中用以检查半小时内是否有数据增加


  • 通过搜索API时间线API备份帐号的用户信息,大多数推文(包括回复)和媒体文件(包括当前头像和banner),FollowingFollowers
  • 备份Spaces、播客(生成 ffmpeg 命令)
  • 使用前请检查待备份帐号是否被搜索封禁
  • 使用方式请阅读 archiver/README.md

CloudFlare Workers

Rate limit checker

  • 设置环境变量 android_guest_account

          "authorization": "Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFXzAwAAAAAAMHCxpeSDG1gLNLghVe8d74hl6k4%3DRUMF4xAQLsbeBhTSRrCiQpJtxoGWeyHrDb5te2jpGskWDFW82F",
          "oauth_token": "...",
          "oauth_token_secret": "..."
  • 然后执行 node apps/rate_limit_checker/run.mjs

  • 了解更多 rate-limit-checker/README.md

OAuth 帐号池


  • 支持的卡片类型 (* 表示使用小图, ** 表示使用小图且图片在卡片右侧)

    • summary*
    • summary_large_image
    • promo_image_convo
    • promo_video_convo
    • promo_website
    • audio*
    • player
    • periscope_broadcast
    • broadcast
    • promo_video_website
    • promo_image_app
    • app
    • direct_store_link_app
    • live_event
    • moment**
    • poll2choice_text_only
    • poll3choice_text_only
    • poll4choice_text_only
    • poll2choice_image
    • poll3choice_image
    • poll4choice_image
    • appplayer
    • audiospace
    • unified_card
      • image_website
      • video_website
      • image_carousel_website
      • video_carousel_website
      • image_app
      • video_app
      • image_carousel_app
      • video_carousel_app
      • image_multi_dest_carousel_website
      • video_multi_dest_carousel_website
      • mixed_media_multi_dest_carousel_website
      • mixed_media_single_dest_carousel_website
      • mixed_media_single_dest_carousel_app
      • image_collection_website
      • twitter_list_details
      • media_with_details_horizontal (for topic ?)
      • twitter_article
      • community_details


  • FastText 用于识别语言, 阅读更多
  • AxiosHelper 用于处理解决 Workers 无法使用 axios 的问题, 阅读更多

出处 & 感谢

  • GoogleTokenGenerator.php 这个文件出自 google-translate-php 并经过本人小幅修改; 现在使用 Google translate 不再需要生成 TKK,故已移除本文件
  • 函数 get_mime 重写自 Tieba-Cloud-Sign
  • package.json 里面有一个叫 sequelize-automate-gm 的包,这是我用来从现有的数据库中导出 model 用的小工具(虽然有一些奇奇怪怪的 bug)


About v2

The PHP version will be updated soon... maybe?