
Simple implementation to create forms in swift without dealing with UITableView

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Yet another Swift implementation to create forms without dealing directly with UITableView

The API is purposely primitive. Currently the main goal is to allow fast implementation of a simple simple form. I currently use this library to mock behavior.

Forms are created by defining sections and components. Components can be thought to be equivalant to a table view cell with a certain behavior.

Form components are one of:

  • AVBComponent
    • Basic component with text and detail label
  • AVBInlineMultiSelectComponent
    • Manages an array of selectable items
  • AVBInlineRadioComponent
    • Manages an array of selectable items in radio button style
  • AVBInlineTextComponent
    • Manages a text field component
  • AVBInlineDateComponent
    • A date component
  • AVBAccordioneComponent
    • Component which when clicked exposes an addional component
  • AVBDateAccessoryComponent
    • A component which manages an accessory view of a date picker
  • AVBFullScreenComponent
    • A component which exposes addional components in a new screen


3 steps: Create components. Add components to sections, and then add sections to a form.

For example:

var multiSelectList = AVBInlineMultiSelectComponent(
            items: [
                    id : "usefullIdYouCanDecide1:",
                    title : "item1"
                    id : "usefullIdYouCanDecide2:",
                    title : "item2"
                    id : "usefullIdYouCanDecide3:",
                    title : "item3"
                    id : "usefullIdYouCanDecide4:",
                    title : "item4",
                    selected : true
 multiSelectList.title = "Add a title to the group"
 var section1 = AVBFormSection(title : "Choose items:", schemes : [multiSelectList])
 var section2 = ... // more of the same
 var myForm = AVBForm(sections : [section1,section2],tableView : nil /* you can assign the form to a AVBFormViewController instead of assigning a table view and retaining a reference to the form*/)
 var formViewController = AVBFormViewController(form : myForm)
 // Check if the form is valid?
 if myForm.isValid() == false {
   // do something
 } else {
 // do something else
 // for instance change the mode of the form to "Validate"
 myForm.mode = Mode.Validate // now the form will highlight the errors
 // get a callback on state change of the form:
 // assign a closure to the component . The closure is called on state change
 typealias AVBStateClosure = (component : AVBComponent,state : AVBState) -> ()
 var radio = AVBInlineRadioComponent( // add the radio items
            items: [
                    id : "kuku:",
                    title : "first"
                    id : "kuku:",
                    title : "Second"
                    id : "kuku:",
                    title : "Third"
                    id : "kuku:",
                    title : "Fourth"
        radio.title = "Radio Group"
        // add a callback on state change and mutate the form
        radio.stateChanged = {(component : AVBComponent,state : AVBState) in 
            if let component = component as? AVBInlineRadioComponent {
                if let parent = component.parent {
                    var newRadio = AVBInlineRadioComponent(
                        items: [
                                id : "kuku:",
                                title : "1"
                    newRadio.title = "New Radio"
                    newRadio.identifier = "Swapped radio group"
                    // lets replace a component in the form
                    // we need to tell the form which component to swap out - useful for branched conditions on the form without recreating a new form and explicately telling the form its state
                    parent.replace(component, newComponent: newRadio)