Building Supermarket Self-Service Application with Python.

A. Background

Shopping at supermarkets often requires a lot of time and effort, especially when there are long queues at the cashier or when searching for desired items. Self-service applications in supermarkets have become an innovative solution to speed up the shopping process and reduce waiting time at the cashier. I build a simple self-service application using Python, one of the most popular and easy-to-learn programming languages.

B. Requirements & Objectives

The requirements of this self-service supermarket application are:

  • Primary functionality: The application must provide essential functionality such as adding items to the shopping list, updating item information, removing items, and completing transactions.
  • Managing item data: The application should be able to store and access item data, such as item codes, item names, and prices. This data must be stored in an efficient and easily accessible data structure.
  • Managing transactions: The application should be able to manage transactions, including calculating the total shopping cost, applying discounts, and saving transaction data into a database.
  • Reliability: The application should be error-free and capable of handling various input scenarios and unexpected conditions. Extensive testing should be carried out to ensure the application's reliability.

The objectives of this self-service supermarket application are:

  • Increase transaction efficiency and speed: This application aims to expedite the transaction process at supermarkets by reducing the time required to process purchases and calculate the shopping total.
  • Reduce human error: By automating the calculation of shopping totals and the application of discounts, this application aims to minimize errors that could occur when cashiers perform calculations manually.
  • Enhance customer experience: This application is designed to provide a more convenient and straightforward shopping experience for customers, ultimately increasing customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Facilitate tracking and data analysis: By storing transaction data in a database, this application enables supermarkets to track sales and analyze data to make better-informed business decisions.

C. Flowchart and Code

1. Flowchart

After identifying the main features, we will design an application flowchart to visually depict the workflow of the application. The flowchart will clarify how these features interact with each other and assist in planning the overall application structure. tugas drawio (1)

Start: This is the starting point of the flowchart.

Menu: Create a decision box labeled "Menu Choice" with arrows pointing to decision boxes for each option in the menu (1-8).

Input Shopping List: From "Menu Choice", if the choice is 1, direct to the process "Input Item Code". Here are the steps:

Request input for item code;
Request input for item quantity;
Add item to shopping list;
Return to Menu.

Update Item Code: to modify previously entered items. If the choice is 2, direct to the process "Update Item Code". Here are the steps:

Request input for old item code;
Request input for new item code;
Update item name;
Return to Menu.

Update Item Quantity: to change the quantity of previously entered items. If the choice is 3, direct to the process "Update Item Quantity". Here are the steps:

Request input for item code;
Request input for new item quantity;
Update item quantity;
Return to Menu.

Delete Item: to delete previously entered items. If the choice is 4, direct to the process "Delete Item". Here are the steps:

Request input for item code;
Delete item from shopping list;
Return to Menu.

Check Order: if the choice is 5, direct to the process "Check Order". Here are the steps:

Display the shopping list;
Return to Menu.

Complete Shopping: if the choice is 6, direct to the process "Complete Shopping". Here are the steps:

Display the shopping list and total price;
Save the transaction to the database;

Reset Transaction: if the choice is 7, direct to the process "Reset Transaction". Here are the steps:

Delete all items from the shopping list;
Return to Menu.

Exit Application: if the choice is 8, end.

2. Library

pandas : to perform mathematical operations in applications such as adding item prices or applying discounts.
SQLite: used to store shopping data inputted by customers.
Tabulate: used to display the shopping data in a neat and easy-to-read table format.


  • Create a Database for Items
    Assume that the supermarket has already recorded its entire inventory, and each item has an ID. User who wants to input their purchases only needs to enter the item code and the quantity of the item.
database = {
    '001': ['Beras', 10000],
    '002': ['Telur', 20000],
    '003': ['Gula', 15000],
    '004': ['Minyak Goreng', 25000],
    '005': ['Teh Celup', 5000],
    '006': ['Kopi', 3000],
    '007': ['Detergen', 20000],
    '008': ['Sabun Mandi', 15000],
    '009': ['Shampoo', 20000],
    '010': ['Pasta Gigi', 10000],
    '011': ['Buku Tulis', 5000],
    '012': ['Pensil', 2000],
    '013': ['Penghapus', 1000],
    '014': ['Rautan', 5000],
    '015': ['Pulpen', 3000],
    '016': ['Papan Tulis Kecil', 20000],
    '017': ['Spidol', 5000],
    '018': ['Penggaris', 3000],
    '019': ['Buku Gambar', 15000],
    '020': ['Crayon', 20000],
    '021': ['Tas Sekolah', 100000],
    '022': ['Sepatu Sekolah', 150000],
    '023': ['Seragam Sekolah', 200000],
    '024': ['Topi Sekolah', 50000],
    '025': ['Jas Almamater', 200000],
    '026': ['Kaos Olahraga', 50000],
    '027': ['Celana Olahraga', 50000],
    '028': ['Sepatu Olahraga', 150000],
    '029': ['Knee Pad', 50000],
    '030': ['Elbow Pad', 50000],

Save the file with the name and import it into the file.

  • Create File
    To manage data and functions related to shopping transactions, this file will have the following attributes and methods: Attributes:
items: a list that contains shopping items
transactions: a list that contains transaction data
conn: a connection object to access SQLite database
c: a cursor object to execute SQL commands on the database


    # initializes the Transaction object and creates a table in the database if it does not exist.
    def __init__(self):
            self.items = []
            self.transactions = []
            self.conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db')  # Membuat koneksi ke database SQLite
            self.c = self.conn.cursor()  # Membuat objek cursor untuk menjalankan perintah SQL
            # Membuat tabel jika belum ada
            self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transactions
                         (No_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
                         Kode_Item TEXT, 
                         Nama_Item TEXT, 
                         Jumlah_Item INTEGER, 
                         Harga REAL, 
                         Total_Harga REAL, 
                         Diskon REAL, 
                         Harga_Diskon REAL)''')
    # adds an item to the shopping list.
    def add_item(self, item_code, qty):
        item_name = database[item_code][0]
        item_price = database[item_code][1]
        self.items.append([item_code, item_name, qty, item_price])
    # updates the item code in the shopping list.
    def update_item_code(self, old_code, new_code):
            for item in self.items:
                if item[0] == old_code:
                    item[0] = new_code
    # updates the quantity of an item in the shopping list.
    def update_item_qty(self, item_code, new_qty):
        for item in self.items:
            if item[0] == item_code:
                item[2] = new_qty
    # deletes an item from the shopping list.
    def delete_item(self, item_code):
        self.items = [item for item in self.items if item[0] != item_code]
        self.transactions = [transaction for transaction in self.transactions if transaction[0] != item_code]
    #deletes all items from the shopping list.
    def reset_transaction(self):
    # inserts transaction data into the transactions list.
    def insert_to_list(self, kode_item, nama_item, jumlah_item, harga, total_harga, diskon, harga_diskon):
        transaction_data = [kode_item, nama_item, jumlah_item, harga, total_harga, diskon, harga_diskon]
    # displays the shopping list, calculates the total price, and applies any discounts.
    def check_order(self):
        total = 0
        print("\nYour Shopping List:")
        if self.items:
            for item in self.items:
                kode_item = item[0]
                nama_item = database[kode_item][0]
                jumlah_item = item[2]
                harga = database[kode_item][1]
                subtotal = jumlah_item * harga
                discount = 0
                if subtotal > 500000:
                    discount = 0.07
                elif subtotal > 300000:
                    discount = 0.06
                elif subtotal > 200000:
                    discount = 0.05

                discounted_price = int(subtotal * (1 - discount))
                self.insert_to_list(kode_item, nama_item, jumlah_item, harga, subtotal, discount, discounted_price)
            print(tabulate(self.transactions, headers=['Item Code', 'Name', 'Quantity', 'Price/Item', 'Price', 'Discount', 'Total Price'], tablefmt='pretty'))
            self.transactions.clear()  # clear the transactions after printing
            print("No items have been added yet.")
    # saves transaction data to the database.
    def insert_to_table(self):
        # Memasukkan setiap transaksi ke dalam database
        for transaction in self.transactions:
            self.c.execute("INSERT INTO transactions (Kode_Item, Nama_Item, Jumlah_Item, Harga, Total_Harga, Diskon, Harga_Diskon) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", transaction)
        self.conn.commit()  # Menyimpan perubahan
    # finalizes the transaction and saves data to the database.
    def check_out(self):
        total = 0
        print("\nYour Shopping List:")
        if self.items:
            for item in self.items:
                kode_item = item[0]
                nama_item = database[kode_item][0]
                jumlah_item = item[2]
                harga = database[kode_item][1]
                subtotal = jumlah_item * harga
                discount = 0
                if subtotal > 500000:
                    discount = 0.07
                elif subtotal > 300000:
                    discount = 0.06
                elif subtotal > 200000:
                    discount = 0.05

                discounted_price = int(subtotal * (1 - discount))
                total += discounted_price
                self.insert_to_list(kode_item, nama_item, jumlah_item, harga, subtotal, discount, discounted_price)
            print(tabulate(self.transactions, headers=['Item Code', 'Name', 'Quantity', 'Price/Item', 'Price', 'Discount', 'Total Price'], tablefmt='pretty'))
            print("Total Shopping: Rp", total)
            print("No items have been added yet.")
        return total
    # closes the database connection when the object is deleted.
    def __del__(self):
  • Create File is responsible for handling user inputs, displaying menus, and executing the corresponding actions based on user choices. It imports the Transaction class from, which manages the shopping transactions, as well as the necessary libraries such as sqlite3, pandas, and tabulate. Through a series of prompts and menu options, guides the user to perform actions such as adding items to their shopping list, updating item information, deleting items, and completing the transaction.

D. Demo

After creating those 3 files, open cmd or terminal and go to the directory where the files are saved. Then run python3 or python

  • Test 1: adding item
    The customer wants to buy 'Beras' and 'Minyak Goreng'. The item codes on the packaging are 001 for 'Beras' and 004 for 'Minyak Goreng':

input item 1

input item 2

Check the shopping list:
check shopping list

  • Test 2: delete item
    It turns out that the customer made a mistake in buying one of the items that was already added to the shopping list, so the customer used the "delete_item()" method to remove the item. The item that the customer wants to remove is 'Minyak Goreng'.

delete item

Check the shopping list to see the update: check shopping list

  • Test 3: reset transaction
    The customer wants to reset the previous shopping list.

reset transaction

  • Test 4: check out
    The customer has finished entering all the items and checked out. The screen will display the details of the items, prices, discounts, and the total that must be paid.

check out

E. Conclusion

The self-service application using python is a practical and efficient solution for managing shopping transactions in supermarkets. It allows users to add, update, and delete items from their shopping lists, calculate the total cost, and apply discounts as necessary. Additionally, the application stores transaction data in a database for easy access and analysis. In conclusion, Python proves to be a versatile and powerful tool for building applications that can streamline and simplify various tasks in the retail industry. By leveraging its extensive library ecosystem and ease of use, developers can create custom solutions to meet the unique needs of their businesses. As technology continues to advance, Python-based applications will play an increasingly important role in the retail landscape.