
An online visual analytics tool for Bayesian network structure learning

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  ____                        ____  _ _           
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 |  _ \ / _` | | | |/ _ \/ __| |_) | | |/ _ \/ __|
 | |_) | (_| | |_| |  __/\__ \  __/| | |  __/\__ \
 |____/ \__,_|\__, |\___||___/_|   |_|_|\___||___/
===================== README ===================== 

Inside the directory of this distribution of BayesPiles you will find the following subdirectories:

- classes
- data
- fonts
- lib
- scripts


1. Before using BayesPiles you will have to convert the output report files generated by BANJO (.txt) to the file format used by BayesPiles (.json). To do that execute one of the BASH SHELL scripts inside the "scripts" directory.

The pattern is:

	> sh <static/dynamic>BanjoToJSON.sh <path_to_your_banjo_output_txt_file>


a) For BNs:

	> sh staticBanjoToJSON.sh static.report.***.txt  

b) For DBNs:  

	> sh dynamicBanjoToJSON+ML.sh dynamic.report.***.txt  

After a successfull execution of the BASH script, a new JSON file will be created named:  <name_of_your_report_file>.json


	a) For BNs:

		> sh staticBanjoToJSON.sh banjo_datasets/bn/static.report.txt  

	b) For DBNs:  

		> sh dynamicBanjoToJSON+ML.sh banjo_datasets/dbn/LtGr841_report.txt  


2. JSON files should be then copied inside the ''data'' directory of BayesPiles. 


3. In order to see the networks in BayesPiles using Chrome, you will probably have to set up a web server and include BayesPiles directory in the "httpd.conf" settings file. Firefox currently allows Cross Origin Requests from files served from your hard drive, so it doesn't need a web server to run BayesPiles. However, BayesPiles works better using Chrome.


4. To see your Banjo static-Bayesian networks in BayesPiles, visit the following url pattern:





5. To see your Banjo dynamic Bayesian networks in BayesPiles, visit the following url pattern:


