
Seed your Stormpath Application with fake user data.

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Seed your Stormpath Application with fake user data.

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If you're using Stormpath to store your user accounts (which you should be!), and you want to create a bunch of fake user accounts for your application, stormpath-seed can help!

Whether you want to create fake users to:

  • See how well Stormpath performs.
  • Create a bunch of fake users for your "social" application (like reddit).
  • Or some other random reason.

stormpath-seed makes this process easy! It creates fake user accounts for you, is totally configurable, and is simple to use. Bam.


To install stormpath-seed, simply run:

$ pip install stormpath-seed

This will install the latest version automatically.


If you get a bunch of random errors and the install can't finish, try installing libevent-dev using your operating system's package manager. stormpath-seed uses gevent for concurrency, which is why that OS package must be installed.


To use this tool, simply run $ stormpath-seed --help from the command line. It provides all the documentation you need to get started.

BUT... Since I know you're lazy and don't want to read the docs I slaved over, here's a summary:

Run the following command to store / save your Stormpath API credentials (this isn't necessary, but makes things simpler):

$ stormpath-seed --configure

This will prompt you for your credentials, and save them as ~/.stormpath/seed.json.

To use the tool to create fake users, here's a simple example:

$ stormpath-seed --application my-app --total-users 1000

This will create 1,000 fake user accounts in the Stormpath Application named "my-app". If the "my-app" Application doesn't exist: it will be created automatically.

Now, by default the above command will just create some really fake accounts. It'll use UUIDs as the account names / emails. If you want something a bit more real looking, you do this:

$ stormpath-seed --application my-app --total-users 1000 --real-users

This will create user accounts that look totally real and legit. How does this work? It uses the amazing and awesome randomuser.me API service.


Huge shout out to the randomuser.me team. Ya'll are killin' it. Your site is beautiful, I love the stats page, and your API is a pleasure to use. If you're in the bay area hit me up for some free coffee! <333

Want to create users faster? You can control the concurrency like so:

$ stormpath-seed --application my-app --total-users 1000 --concurrency 20

By default, stormpath-seed will create 100 users, with 5 concurrency, in an Application named "stormpath-seed".

Lastly, if you're using a private deployment of Stormpath, you can use the base-url flag like so:

$ stormpath-seed --application my-app --total-users 100000 --base-url https://api.myprivateapi.com/v1



This project is only possible due to the amazing contributors who work on it!

If you'd like to improve this library, please send me a pull request! I'm happy to review and merge pull requests.

The standard contribution workflow should look something like this:

  • Fork this project on Github.
  • Make some changes in the master branch (this project is simple, so no need to complicate things).
  • Send a pull request when ready.

Change Log

All library changes, in descending order.

Version 0.0.1

Released March 2, 2014.

  • First release!