
Dockerfiles for public sharing.

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Dockerfiles for Reference

Publish and share dockerfiles for reference.

CUDA Dockerfiles

  • Dockerfile.bwtest

    Container to install CUDA SDK samples and run the p2pBandwidthLatencyTest.

Tensorflow Dockerfiles

BVLC Caffe Dockerfile

  • Dockerfile.caffe_gpu

    BVLC Caffe container built against CUDA 9 and NCCL2. Added Volta architecture support via CUDA 9 and cmake option 70 set(Caffe_known_gpu_archs "30 35 50 60 61 70").

PyTorch Dockerfiles


  • Dockerfile.sregistrycli

    Use this container to run singularity to build singularity recipes and sregistry-cli for pulling containers.

    Once the container is launched use the sregistry client.

    # method 1
    SREGISTRY_CLIENT=nvidia sregistry pull tensorflow:17.12
    # method 2
    sregistry pull nvidia://tensorflow:17.12

    More references can be found here:

    Pulling NGC (nvidia GPU cloud) containers can also be done via singularity version 2.5.x and above. Example:

    export SINGULARITY_DOCKER_USERNAME='$oauthtoken'
    singularity run docker://nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:17.12

TODO: Document the other containers