Created by Matt Freels
This extension allows you to organize your users into groups and divide up site-editing privileges accordingly. It requires Radiant 0.8+ and the Shards extension found in the official Radiant repository.
- From your RAILS_ROOT run:
script/extension install page_group_permissions
- Restart your app
NOTE: In some earlier versions of Radiant, the migrations may not run, and the assets may not be copied and you may therefore need to run:
rake radiant:extensions:page_group_permissions:migrate
rake radiant:extensions:page_group_permissions:update
- From your RAILS_ROOT run:
cd vendor/extensions
git clone git:// ./page_group_permissions
cd ../../
rake radiant:extensions:page_group_permissions:migrate
rake radiant:extensions:page_group_permissions:update
- Restart your app
- Install the gem
gem install radiant-page_group_permissions-extension
- Update your Radiant config: add to environment.rb with other gem.configs
config.gem ‘radiant-page_group_permissions-extension’, :lib => false
- Run database migrations
rake db:migrate:extensions
- Copy assets
rake radiant:extensions:update_all
- Restart your app
Create and edit groups and add/remove members from the new groups tag.
Add page to a group by editing the page.
A member of a group has permission to edit any page owned by the group or children of said pages.
- 12/2013 – Add model for join table groups_users [Andrew vonderLuft]
- 2/2013- Fix deprecations [Andrew vonderLuft]
- 5/2011 – Compatible with >= 0.9 [Andrew vonderLuft, Jim Gay]
- 7/7/2009 – Updated to work with Radiant 0.8+ [Matthew Bass]
- Update Group index view to conform to Blade UI
- Create Help file for Help extension
- Matt Freels
- Nikos Dimitrakopoulos
- Jim Gay
- Matthew Bass
- Andrew vonderLuft