Radiant Wym Editor Filter Extension

Author Benny Degezelle - Gorilla Webdesign
Version 0.4
Contact: benny AT gorilla-webdesign DOT be

This filter adds a WYSIWYM editor to Radiant.


The WYMeditor is aware of and interacts with the following extensions, but these are not required:

  • Paperclipped
    • Open the asset bucket from the WYMeditor toolbar
    • Adding asset with drag'n'drop from the bucket
  • Page Preview
    • Open preview from the WYMeditor toolbar

About WYMeditor

WYMeditor's main concept is to leave details of the document's visual layout, and to concentrate on its structure and meaning, while trying to give the user as much comfort as possible (at least as WYSIWYG editors).

WYMeditor has been created to generate perfectly structured XHTML strict code, to conform to the W3C XHTML specifications and to facilitate further processing by modern applications.

Find out more about WYM editor at http://www.wymeditor.org.

WymEditor in action


Run this rake command to copy all needed files into the public folder:

rake radiant:extensions:wym_editor_filter:install

That's it! You should now have "Wym Editor" in the filters dropdown on the page edit screen. Selecting this will spawn a WYMeditor instance.

It's a good idea to manage your extensions with Ray.


Run this rake command to update all files in public folder:

rake radiant:extensions:wym_editor_filter:update



  • On long pages, the toolbar, container and classes selector boxes follows the page scrolling for easier editing.
  • Pop-ups are replaced with BlockUI, except for Internet Explorer (see Ticket).
  • The insert image button uses Paperclipped if installed.
  • Radius tags are now editable in WYMeditor.
  • Fixed the problem where WYMeditor 'cleaned' the XHTML when Radius tags have been placed within block elements.
  • Generated XHTML code will be formatted using js-beatuty


  • Updated to WYMeditor 0.5b-2
  • Move javascript into extension folder.
  • Updated editor & dialogs CSS to better fit into Radiant.
  • Auto-growing the editor when content gets longer than it can show.
  • Preview button uses Page Preview if installed.


  • Updated to WYMeditor 0.5a-2
  • Fixed bug where on_save, all edits made after switching to a different filter were lost.


  • Removed svn:external to wymeditor, managed through braid now.
  • Updated to WYMeditor 0.5a-1
  • Fixed empty problem.


  • Updated to work with radiant 0.6.5


  • Fixed includes for Opera & Safari, now works fine on those browsers too.


  • Radius tags are now handled properly. They are replaced with an image that holds the respective tag in it's alt attribute.


  • Now uses shards to alter the admin interface, so it doesn't interfere with other extensions



Some work has been kindly sponsored by:


This extension is released under the MIT license, see the LICENSE for more information.