
Compile LaTeX documents from within Atom.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LaTeX package Build Status

Compile LaTeX documents from within Atom.


Use the Atom package manager and search for "latex", or run apm install latex from the command line.


TeX distribution

Since this package relies upon either latexmk or texify, a reasonably up to date and working TeX distribution is required. The only current officially supported distributions are TeX Live, and MiKTeX. Although the latter is not as well tested and supported as TeX Live, hence using TeX Live is highly recommended.

You need to ensure that the package can find your TeX distribution; to help the package find the distribution's binaries, you need to configure the TeX Path configuration variable to point to the folder containing the binaries. This can be done either in the settings view, or directly in your config.cson file.

TeX Live

If you're using TeX Live and have installed to the default location then no further action should be required.


If you're using MikTeX and have installed to the default location then all you should need to do is change the Builder to texify. This can be done either in the settings view, or directly in your config.cson file.


Invoke the build command by pressing the default keybind ctrl-alt-b while in a .tex file.

Magic comments

The package has support for the following Tex Magic comments

  • % !TEX root = ../file.tex Select root file
  • % !TEX program = pdflatex Select Latex Engine (pdflatex,lualatex,xelatex)


Please note that this package is in a beta state. As an example, there's no proper error and warning handling. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


Current wish list, in a semi-prioritized order.

  • Build output.
    • Error handling.
    • Warnings, and other non-critical messages.
  • Project management.
    • Setting to override the output directory.
    • Setting to override the builder.

If you see something that's missing, or disagree with the prioritization, consider submitting a feature request, and if you're feeling super helpful, submit a pull request with an updated TODO list 💖