
I organize telegram stickies :3

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

FuzzleBot logo

I organize Telegram stickers with e621 tags.

FuzzleBot description video

🦄 Features

  • Query stickers via tags or emoji, simply enter @FuzzleBot <query> in any chat
  • Over 250k stickers (=almost 8k sticker packs) browsable via emojis (most of them are not tagged yet)
  • List sets that contain the exact same or similar stickers (does not work that well - yet)
  • Remembers your recently used stickers
  • Tag blacklist (ignored if using emojis)
  • Different ways to tag stickers (individually, whole sets, and multiple stickers in succession) - send any furry-related sticker to get started


🐋 Deployment

The easiest way to deploy the bot yourself is with Docker compose.

OUTDATED - a better example should come soon

version: '3.8'
    image: ghcr.io/avoonix/fuzzle-bot:latest # or latest-aarch64 for arm
    pull_policy: always
    command: serve
      - FUZZLE_CACHE_DIR_PATH=/data/cache
      - FUZZLE_DB_FILE_PATH=/data/db.sqlite
      - FUZZLE_CONFIG_FILE_PATH=/config/config.toml
      - "3000:3000" # admin interface
      - ./container-data:/data
      - ./config:/config
    restart: always

This example configuration ensures the service is always running. To start or update the service, use docker compose up -d. Keep in mind that it will sometimes be necessary to manually run migrations, as SQLite does not support many ALTER TABLE statements.


🌈 Development

Some useful commands:

cargo install sqlx-cli
cargo install --locked bacon
cargo install cargo-leptos
rustup toolchain install nightly --allow-downgrade
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

cargo leptos watch

cargo sqlx prepare -- --features ssr

export DATABASE_URL=sqlite:mydb.sqlite # for sqlx

# arguments won't work (yet); use environment variables to configure
# cargo run serve --tag-dir-path ./tags --db-file-path mydb.sqlite --config-file-path config.toml
bacon clippy
cargo fmt
leptosfmt ./**/*.rs

sqlx db create
sqlx migrate run # those two are usually not needed

After running serve for the first time, a configuration file will be created where you can add your Telegram token and your account id (this account will be able to run admin-only commands).


💬 Help

The best place to get help are GitHub issues for now. If you have a more personal question, you can also contact me via telegram.


💾 Sticker Sets

Sets known to the bot are regularly crawled for sticker additions or deletions. New sets are not found automatically and the bot relies on users adding sets and tagging stickers. So far, the majority of sets were gathered from sites/channesl like these: https://t.me/s/Fursticker, https://t.me/s/furrystickersfb, https://www.pulexart.com/stickers.html, and are not tagged. Sets can be submitted sending stickers directly or by forwarding stickers or messages containing t.me/addstickers/<set> links.


🖹 License