A port of paystack payment system to support the kivy framework
It uses the builtin UrlRequest class to make asynchronous requests on the web and get the result when the request is completed, so no external module is needed
- Charge the customer
- Verify a transaction
- Create Plans
- Get a single or all transactions
- Get a single or all customers
##Installation pip it away
pip install -U kivypaystack
Register on the paystack website https://www.paystack.com and get your Authorization key.
you can store your authorization key in your environment variable as "PAYSTACK_AUTHORIZATION_KEY" or pass it into the
any kivypaystack objects at initiatialization.
from kivypaystack import Transaction, Customer, Plan
All objects at initialization, recieves an optional callback func
def transaction_callback(action, result_type, request, result):
''' action: reponse action performed EG: transaction.charge("customer@domain.com", "CustomerAUTHcode", 10000)
on callback action will be 'charge'
result_type: can be 'success', 'failure', 'redirect', 'error'
request: instance of kivy.urlrequest.UrlRequest
result: a decided json dictionary
if action == 'charge': # if a charge transaction was passed
print(result_type, result)
if action == 'verify':
print(result_type, result)
#Instantiate the transaction object to handle transactions.
#Pass in your authorization key - if not set as environment variable PAYSTACK_AUTHORIZATION_KEY
# warning use public key not your secret key
transaction = Transaction(authorization_key="pk_myauthorizationkeyfromthepaystackguys", callback=transaction_callback)
response = transaction.charge("customer@domain.com", "CustomerAUTHcode", 10000) #Charge a customer N100.
response = transaction.verify(refcode) #Verify a transaction given a reference code "refcode".
#Instantiate the customer class to manage customers
customer = Customer(authorization_key="pk_myauthorizationkeyfromthepaystackguys")
response = customer.create("customer2@gmail.com", "John", "Doe", phone="080123456789") #Add new customer
response = customer.getone(1234) #Get customer with id of 1234
response = customer.getall() #Get all customers
#Instantiate the plan class to manage plans
plan = Plan(authorization_key="pk_myauthorizationkeyfromthepaystackguys")
response = plan.create("Test Plan", 150000, 'Weekly') #Add new plan
response = plan.getone(240) #Get plan with id of 240
response = plan.getall() #Get all plans