Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2017 Research Institute for Information Technology (RIIT), Kyushu University. All rights reserved.
UDMlib is a file management library for unstructured dataset, and provides following functions:
- Management of distributed files
- Restart from previous calculated data for the same number of processes (standard)
- Restart from previous calculated data for the different number of processes
- Staging helper
- Cmake
- MPI library
- HDF5
- TextParser
- Zoltan
- The same MPI library must be employed to build for both Zoltan and UDMlib. History of development
CMakeLists.txt. Makefile of Cmake
License.txt License to apply This document, including the description of build
cmake/ Modules of cmake
doc/ Document
example/ Example source codes
include/ Header files
src/ Source codes
tools/udm-frm File Rank Mapper
$ export UDM_HOME=/hogehoge
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake [options] ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
Specify the directory that this library will be installed. Built library is installed at
and the header files are placed atinstall_directory/include
. The default install directory is/usr/local/UDMlib
-D with_util=
{yes | no}
Install utility tools. The default of this option is yes.
In case of cross-compilation, the frm tool is not installed. On the other hand, in case of native compile environment,
-D with_util=yes
indicates that all utilities are installed at the same time as CDMlib is compiled.If
is specified, NetCDF function will not be supported.If
, fconv and upacs2dfi will not be built.
-D with_MPI=
{yes | no}
If you use an MPI library, specify
, the default is yes.
-D with_TP =
Specify the directory path that TextParser is installed.
-D with_CGNS=
Specify the directory path that CGNS is installed.
-D with_HDF5=
Specify the directory path that HDF5 is installed.
-D with_ZOLTAN=
Specify the directory path that Zoltan library is installed. Zoltan library must be the same compiler with the one used to build OpenMPI library.
-D with_example=
{no | yes}
This option turns on compiling sample codes. The default is no.
The default compiler options are described in cmake/CompilerOptionSelector.cmake
file. See BUILD OPTION section in CMakeLists.txt in detail.
$ export UDM_HOME=hogehoge
In following examples, assuming that TextParser, CGNS, and Zoltan libraries are installed under the UDM_HOME directory. If not, please specify applicable directory path.
$ cmake -DINSTALL_DIR=${UDM_HOME}/UDMlib \
-Dwith_MPI=yes \
-Dreal_type=float \
-Dwith_util=no \
-Dwith_example=no \
-Dwith_TP=${UDM_HOME}/TextParser \
-Dwith_ZOLTAN=${UDM_HOME}/Zoltan \
-Dwith_HDF5=${UDM_HOME}/HDF5 ..
$ cmake -DINSTALL_DIR=${CDM_HOME}/CDMlib \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchain_fx10.cmake \
-Dwith_MPI=yes \
-Dwith_example=no \
-Dwith_util=yes \
-Dwith_TP=${CDM_HOME}/TextParser \
-Dwith_CPM=${CDM_HOME}/CPMlib \
-Dwith_HDF=no \
-Dwith_NetCDF=no \
-Denable_BUFFER_SIZE=no ..
$ cmake -DINSTALL_DIR=${CDM_HOME}/CDMlib \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchain_fx100.cmake \
-Dwith_MPI=yes \
-Dwith_example=no \
-Dwith_util=yes \
-Dwith_TP=${CDM_HOME}/TextParser \
-Dwith_CPM=${CDM_HOME}/CPMlib \
-Dwith_HDF=no \
-Dwith_NetCDF=no \
-Denable_BUFFER_SIZE=no ..
$ cmake -DINSTALL_DIR=${CDM_HOME}/CDMlib \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchain_K.cmake \
-Dwith_MPI=yes \
-Dwith_example=no \
-Dwith_util=yes \
-Dwith_TP=${CDM_HOME}/TextParser \
-Dwith_CPM=${CDM_HOME}/CPMlib \
-Dwith_HDF=no \
-Dwith_NetCDF=no \
-Denable_BUFFER_SIZE=no ..
- On Fujitsu machines(fx10, K, fx100), confirm appropriate directrory path for compiler environment.
- Before building, execute following command for clean.
$ make distclean
When you install staging tool onto a login node with cross-compiling environment, the tool must be compiled by a native GNU compiler on the login node. If the front-end login node does not have MPI library, specify -Dwith_MPI=no
$ tar xvfz zlib-x.x.x.tar.gz
$ cd zlib-x.x.x
$ export CC=icc && ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/Zlib
$ make && make install
- In case of Futjitsu compiler CC=fccpx
$ tar xvfz szip-x.x.x.tar.gz
$ cd szip-x.x.x
$ export CC=icc CFLAGS=-O3
$ export CXX=icpc CXXFLAGS=-O3
$ ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/SZIP
$ make && make install
- In case of Fujitsu compiler CC=fccpx, CXX=FCCpx, and add --host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
$ tar xvfz hdf5-x.x.x.tar.gz
$ cd hdf5-x.x.x
$ export CC=icc CFLAGS=-O3
$ export CXX=icpc CXXFLAGS=-O3
$ export FC=ifort FCFLAGS=-O3
$ ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/HDF5 --enable-64bit \
--enable-fortran \
--with-zlib=${HOME}/Zlib/include,${HOME}/Zlib/lib \
--enable-cxx \
$ make && make install
- Before building cgns library, you need to move header file zlib.h into the directory where libz.a exist (lib/ directory).
$ tar xzvf cgnslib_x.x.x.tar.gz
$ cd cgnslib_x.x.x/src
$ export CC=mpicc CFLAGS=-O3
$ export FC=mpif90 FCFLAGS=-O3
$ export HDF5_LIBRARY_DIR=${HOME}/ompi-intel/HDF5/lib
$ export HDF5_INCLUDE_DIR=${HOME}/ompi-intel/HDF5/include
$ ./configure --prefix=$1 \
--enable-64bit \
--with-fortran \
--with-hdf5=${HOME}/HDF5 \
--with-szip=${HOME}/SZIP/lib/libsz.a \
$ make && make install
$ tar xvfz zoltan_distrib_v3.81.tar.gz
$ cd Zoltan_v3.81
$ mkdir BUILD_DIR
$ export CC=mpicc CFLAGS=-O3 FC=mpif90 FCFLAGS=-O3
$ ../configure --prefix=${HOME}/ZOLTAN --enable-mpi --enable-f90interface
$ make everything
$ make install
See of TextParser
If you specify the test option by
, you can execute the intrinsic tests by;$ make test
or$ ctest
The detailed results are written in
file. Meanwhile, the summary is displayed for stdout.
- Kenji Ono,
- Yasuhiro Kawashima
- Jorji Nonaka