- 0xdevaliasOpen to opportunities
- 1995parham@aut-ce @I1820
- 4e1e0603@wavelet-space
- ammgws
- asaaki@markentier
- CarlosRA97Spain
- CGeniePyProject, @Alpiek-Oisterwijk
- clebiVersailles
- davllMediaTek Inc.
- dfranklandTrunk
- ethanhs@NVIDIA
- flosse@slowtec @codingforfairness
- gabrielbckr
- hansrodtangItera
- HaukLi
- isu17
- JackneillEvotrex
- kac-
- kivikakk@arielsystems
- kny5Internet of Production
- kogai@feedforce
- legokichiduxca
- m0ppersself employed
- NiedzwiedzwCrionis
- NLGRFMaxion Tech Co., Ltd.
- qerubdefsoftware
- shepmaster@integer32llc
- shingtaklam1324University of Cambridge
- solarblueGreece
- tatsuya6502Shanghai, China
- TerkwoodSalesforce
- thinkierVictorian Government
- timothyhollabaugh
- tokuhira
- xerz-oneToledo, Spain
- yelcathangzhou