TypeScript Kunug Fu

Welcome to TypeScript Kung Fu repo!

This repo contains demos of advanced typing with TypeScript by mostly leveraging generics and mapped/conditional/lookup types.


Demos are meant to spark interest and enlighten your typing skills.

Some examples are not necessarily the recommended final state which you should use in real codebases, take from it what you will.


  1. To get an extremely basic example of the advanced key TypeScript features being used, take a look at the src/intro.ts file.
  2. Follow the showcases starting at the src/index.ts file
  3. You can run the project by executing npm start

Demo Order Possibility

  • extend
  • listener
  • proppath2 (glimpse)
  • ngroutes (glimpse)
  • showcase-changes
  • dtos
  • query
  • readonlygraph
  • misc
    • discriminated
    • one-required
  • store