
OpenNIG is a toolkit that generates new images from a given distribution.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


OpenNIG (Open Neural Image Generator) is a toolkit that generates new images from a given distribution. Its role is to accelerate research in that direction by offering a flexible and easy to use ecosystem for such models.


Simply clone the repository and install the requirements.

git clone https://github.com/avramandrei/OpenNIG.git
cd OpenNIG/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Evolution of the generated images

Model Dataset Iterations Samples
DCVAESmall mnist 1k
DCGANSmall mnist 2.5k
DCVAESmall fashion-mnist 5k
DCGANSmall fashion-mnist 10k
DCVAEMedium cifar10 100k
DCGANMedium cifar10 150k

Note: The above samples are just some examples of the generated images during training. The final results can be improved by tuning the hyperparameters of the models.

Data downloading

OpenNIG offers three demos databases that can be downloaded with the download.py script: mnist, fashion-mnist and cifar10. The images will be saved in two directories, train and valid, in data/raw/<database>.

python3 download.py [database]
Argument Type Description
dataset str Dataset to be downloaded: mnist, fashion-mnist or cifar10.

Data processing

This step is optional, if you already have your own preprocessing pipeline, please proceed to the next section, but remember that OpenNIG uses NumPy's .npy data format.

If you want to use other datasets, you have to manually create two directories, train and valid, that contain the training and the validation images, respectevly. Run the process.py script to process the images in these directories. The script will create two files, train.npy and valid.npy.

python3 process.py [train_dir_path] [valid_dir_path] 
Argument Type Description
train_dir_path str Path to the train directory containing the training images.
valid_dir_path str Path to the valid directory containing the validation images.
output_path str Path where processed data will be saved
--normalize str Normalize data to [-1,1] or [0,1]. Default: [-1,1].
--reshape_y str Reshape x data to specified shape. Shape must be specified as (width,height). Default: None.
--reshape_x str Reshape y data to specified shape. Shape must be specified as (width,height). Default: None.
--flip_left_right bool Adds 50% horizontally flipped images to the dataset. Default: False.
--flip_top_bottom bool Adds 50% vertically flipped images to the dataset. Default: False.


To train, run the train.py script. This script automatically generates 10 GIF images in <save_checkpoint_path>/samples, that show how the training process evolves at every checkpoint.

python3 train.py [model] 
                 [train_path] [valid_path]
                 [--optimizer] [--learning_rate] [--iterations] [--batch_size] [--label_smooth]
                 [--save_checkpoint_steps] [--save_checkpoint_path]
                 [--valid_batch_size] [--valid_steps] 
                 [--generate_train_samples] [--num_train_samples]
Argument Type Description
model str Type of the model: DCVAESmall, DCVAEMedium, DCVAEBig, DCGANSmall, DCGANMedium, DCGANBig.
--model_path str Load the model weights from this path.
train_path str Path to the train data, saved as a .npy file.
valid_path str Path to the validation data, saved as a .npy file.
--optimizer str Name of the optimizer, as described in https://keras.io/optimizers/. Default value: "Adam"
--learning_rate float Learning rate of the optimizer. Default: 0.001.
--iterations int Number of training steps. Default: 100000.
--batch_size int Batch size for training. Defaul: 32.
--save_checkpoint_steps int Save a checkpoint every X steps. Default: 1000
--save_checkpoint_path str Save the model at this path every --save_checkpoint_steps. Default: trained_model/model
--valid_batch_size int Batch size for validation. Defaul: 32.
--valid_steps int Perfom validation every X steps. Default: 250.
--generate_train_samples bool Whether to generate samples during training. Default: True.
--num_train_samples int Number of generated training samples. Default: 10.
--label_smooth float Number used for label smoothing. Default: 0


To generate new images, run generate.py.

python3 generate.py [model] [model_path] [--num_sample] [--sample_save_path][--normalize]
Argument Type Description
model str Type of the model. Here is a list of all the available models.
model_path str Load the model from this path.
--num_sample int Number of samples to generate.Default: 10.
--sample_save_path str Save the samples at this path. Default: samples.


If you found this work useful, please consider citing the following paper:

  title={OpenNIG-Open Neural Image Generator},
  author={Avram, Andrei-Marius and Morogan, Luciana and Toma, Stefan-Adrian},
  booktitle={2020 13th International Conference on Communications (COMM)},