
This is a workshop to teach the basics of SQL injection

Primary LanguageShell

SQL injection hack workshop

Build In Contributors Live version
PHP/SQL/HTML/CSS @philip-hub Clone and run with your local SQL server

Description and Setup

A modified version of sql-injectiono-hack-workshop to run on a Debian or Ubuntu machine hosting a LAMP stack application.

This is a dummy bank website with poor security to teach people about the basics of SQL injection. This website requires a PHP server and a SQL server with a database as well as a table both named mhc_bank. The mhc_bank table has three TEXT columns labeled "username" , "password", and "amount". You can setup the website and install all of its dependences by running this repo's installation script. In a terminal, run sudo ./install.sh. After the installation script is done running, modifiy connect.php in /var/www/html with your favorite text editor under root privileges. Edit the following code.

$servername = "localhost"; // Use localhost ( as server.
$username = "username"; // Replace the value "username" with the username for your MySQL root account.
$password = "password"; // Replace the vaule "password" with the password for your MySQL root account.
$dbname = "mhc_bank"; // Use mhc_bank database.

Verify the website is working by opening a web browser and going to http://localhost/. Once at the login page, try signing in to a user's account. Reference the article below and try some SQL injection commands. W3 Schools has a great article about SQL injection here.