This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.


A GitFlow is a defined strategy for managing Git branches, commit standards and Merge request procedures.

Common GitFlow tends to identify two different types of branches:

  • feature: for the development of a new feature
  • hotfix/bugfix: for the fixing of a bug (or overall performance improvements)

The nature of the git branches convention that we adopt allows us to identify quickly:

  • The developer
  • Nature of the task
  • Issue (or Task) id.
  • And the overall goal of the branch (short description).


Suppose that developer Sagar Jaglan, having Github username *imsagar, is in charge of developing the sign-up process assigned to him by the task with *id pheon-10. The branch created will use the following name:

“(feature/bug/update/....)/#pheon-10: Fixed 400 error response code in the signup process”

Write a short note to describe the feature bug of the branch.

Branch Hierarchy

Now that we have defined a naming convention, we should also identify the branches' hierarchy. We should identify at least two (or tree) branches:

  • Main: contains code deployed and available online to final users
  • Testing (staging): contains code deployed to the testing environment (pre-release)
  • Develop: includes the latest version of the codebase available as starting point to the developer.

the flow of pull requests will be

  • feature -> dev -> testing -> master

Code quality checks

Linters allow analysing of the overall quality code, indicating naming convention errors, duplicated code, and not-used imports (which overall may have a minimum impact on product performances).

Testing coverage analysis & minimum coverage policy

Test your code, automate testing to avoid regression and know at any time:

  • What is currently covered by automated testing or not
  • Current coverage percentage.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Publish Branch

Before publishing the branch always use the following command :

npm run build

This will help you to identify all the production errors in advance and after correcting them you can publish the branch. Then, create a pull request to feature branch -> dev branch and assign a reviewer.