
Parallax P8X32A/Propeller, P2X8C4M64P/Propeller 2 library for the ZModem file transfer protocol

Primary LanguagePropeller Spin


This is a P8X32A/Propeller, P2X8C4M64P/Propeller 2 object for the ZModem file transfer protocol

IMPORTANT: This software is meant to be used with the spin-standard-library (P8X32A) or p2-spin-standard-library (P2X8C4M64P). Please install the applicable library first before attempting to use this code, otherwise you will be missing several files required to build the project.

Salient Features

  • Transmit/send files from Propeller to remote device
  • Integration with any terminal I/O driver that provides Char() and CharIn()



  • spin-standard-library
  • A terminal I/O driver that provides transmit (Char()) and receive (CharIn()) methods


  • p2-spin-standard-library

Compiler Compatibility

Processor Language Compiler Backend Status
P1 SPIN1 FlexSpin (5.9.14-beta) Bytecode OK
P1 SPIN1 FlexSpin (5.9.14-beta) Native code OK
P1 SPIN1 OpenSpin (1.00.81) Bytecode Untested (deprecated)
P2 SPIN2 FlexSpin (5.9.14-beta) NuCode Untested
P2 SPIN2 FlexSpin (5.9.14-beta) Native code OK
P1 SPIN1 Brad's Spin Tool (any) Bytecode Unsupported
P1, P2 SPIN1, 2 Propeller Tool (any) Bytecode Unsupported
P1, P2 SPIN1, 2 PNut (any) Bytecode Unsupported


  • Very early in development - may malfunction, or outright fail to build
  • API not finalized
  • Currently only supports a subset of ZModem's features; doesn't support frame types ZSINIT, ZSKIP, ZNAK, ZABORT, ZFERR, ZCRC, ZCHALLENGE, ZCOMPL, ZCAN, ZFREECNT, ZCOMMAND, ZSTDERR
  • Doesn't handle Telenet-specific command escape
  • Nothing is timeout-protected (yet), so if expected data isn't received, it will wait forever.
  • ZFILE frames: All file information besides filename and size are effectively ignored
  • Not optimized:


Link Rate Thruput (bytecode) Thruput (native)
19200 18.9kbps (RX) 18.9kbps (RX)
16.8kbps (TX) 16.8kbps (TX)
38400 N/A (RX - fail (1)) 37.5kbps (RX)
18.8kbps (TX) 32.7kbps (TX)
115200 N/A (RX - fail (1)) 110.95kbps (RX)
18.8kbps (TX) 8.7kbps (TX)
--------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
(1): The sender keeps streaming, regardless, and the Prop can't keep up at this speed or faster when built to bytecode, so misses frames


Link Rate Thruput (bytecode) Thruput (native)
19200 00.0kbps (RX) 18.9kbps (RX)
00.0kbps (TX) 17.7kbps (TX)
38400 N/A (RX - fail (1)) 37.6kbps (RX)
18.8kbps (TX) 00.0kbps (TX)
115200 N/A (RX - fail (1)) N/A (RX - fail
00.0kbps (TX) 93.9kbps (TX)
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