
Creating your first bash script and running it.

  1. Create a .sh file.

  2. Edit the script.

  3. Write code as follows.

    echo Hello World
  4. Press Ctrl+o and then ctrl+x. The first shortcut will save the file, and the second shortcut will exit the nano terminal editor.

  5. RUN the script.
    This will show you the output.

And voilĂ ! You successfully learned:

  1. how to create files using the touch command
  2. how to edit files using the nano text editor
  3. how to runn a bash script with bash command.

Linux command

  • Create a file using bash command: touch <filename>

Usage: Hello World In Bash Shell

var="Hello World"

print it

echo "\$var"

Basic Bash commands

pwd : pwd stands for print working directory and it points to the current working directory


ls : ls stands for a list and it lists the contents of a directory


cd : cd stands for Change Directory and changes the active directory to the path specified


mkdir : mkdir stands for Make directory and is used to make a new directory or a folder

mkdir Demo

mv : mv stands for Move and it moves one or more files or directories from one place to another

mv Demo/*.py Demo/Pythonfiles

touch : The touch command is used to create new, empty files

touch foo.txt

rm : rm stands for Remove and it removes files or directories

rm foo.txt

rmdir : rmdir stands for remove directory and is used to remove empty directories from the filesystem

rmdir ../Pythonfiles/

cat : Print out the content of a file in the terminal

cat foo.txt

vi : Open a file in a text editor. Other editors include nano,emacs,vim.

vi foo.txt