
An appengine app that receives email and sends the email content via http post

Primary LanguagePython


An appengine app that receives email and sends the email content via http post - incoming email for your webapp.

e.g. a free alternative to http://mailnuggets.com, http://cloudmailin.com etc. Set it up on appengine, redirect addresses from your domain to appspot mail, then handle the incoming POST from appengine.

What it does

Any email sent to {string}@{appid}.appspotmail.com becomes a multipart post to a url you specify, with the fields:

  • sender = the sender's email address
  • to = the recipient
  • subject = the email subject lne
  • body = the email body
  • image = the first attachment, if present

How to use it

  • Check out
  • Create a google appengine project for it
  • Edit the application name in app.yaml to match your appengine project name
  • Edit app.yaml to set the DESTINATION_URL
  • You can test locally using the GAE development server and the admin console, using the Inbound Mail function (although doesn't allow attachments)
  • Publish to GAE