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Run algorithm

To run the algorithm on the already 216 generated testcases in the testcases/ directory, set the corresponding testcase number in TESTCASE_NUM variable in algorith/config.py file. To run on a specified input, set its address in DOCUMENTS_ADDRESS and QUERY_ADDRESS variables.

Then, enter the followig command:

python main.py --algorithm [algorithm_type]

Note: algorithm_type can be either naive or smart.


To simulate the algorithm with the generated testcases as the input, enter the following:

python benchmark.py

You can set the number of testcases and accuracy in the benchmark/config.py. The current benchmark, generates six 2d plots which either considers the number of documents to be constant and number of queries to be changeable or vice versa. It also generates a 3d plot.

The generated plots, run with the current config is saved in the folder plot.

Note: the name query_constant_30, implies that the number of queries was 30 and the number of docs were changeable.

Generate Testcase

The data is generated randomly by the intervals specified in generate.py. To generate your own testcases, change the intervals and enter:

python generate.py