
A ruby client for Avvo's professional directory

Primary LanguageRuby

Avvo API Client

This gem provides an {ActiveResource}[http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveResource/Base.html]-based client to information on Avvo, a directory of lawyers.


Apart from the gems installed as dependencies, this gem requires an account on Avvo associated with an API key. Visit the API Documentation for details.


Somewhere during your app’s initialization, you should include the gem and set it up with your Avvo credentials:

require 'avvo_api'
AvvoApi.setup('user@avvo.com', 'password')

For the most part, the models supplied by this gem should act like ActiveRecord models. These models parallel the resources listed on api.avvo.com, and everything accessible from the Avvo API is accessible using this gem.


Details about the specific information returned by these calls can be found in the documentation at api.avvo.com. An example of using the API in a command-line program can be found in the examples subdirectory.

Find a lawyer with a known ID

l = AvvoApi::Lawyer.find(28995)

Find a lawyer based on known attributes, like email, zip code, etc.

l = AvvoApi::Lawyer.resolve(:name => 'Mark Britton', :zip_code => '98101')

Search for lawyers matching a keyword in a specific location

AvvoApi::Lawyer.search(:q => 'criminal defense', :loc => 'seattle')

Retrieve the headshot URL for a lawyer



AvvoApi::Headshot.find(:one, :params => {:lawyer_id => 28995}).headshot_url

Getting a list of addresses for a lawyer

addresses = AvvoApi::Lawyer.find(28995).addresses


addresses = AvvoApi::Address.find(:all, :params => {:lawyer_id => lawyer.id})

Getting the main address for a lawyer

main_address = AvvoApi::Address.main(:lawyer_id => lawyer.id)