
Alfred workflow to translate to any language

Primary LanguagePHP

Alfred - Google Translate

How to install

Download and double click the workflow to import or update it into Alfred. Done!

How to use

The simplest way is to use the ⇧ + ⌘ + g shortcut and start typing.

You can also use your Alfred hotkey and then type 'gt' followed by the target language shortcode(s):

gt pt,fr Text to translate

Use the 'from' and 'to' keywords to specify in which language do you want to translate. You can do this via the '>' or '<' operator and the respective language codes:

gt pt>en Palavra
gt de>fr Wort
gt fr<en Word

Navigate through the results and press:

  • Enter to copy the translation to your clipboard
  • Alt+Enter to open the original request directly on the Google Translator website
  • Cmd+Enter to copy and paste the translation into your active application automatically


Show all available options and their values:

gtset show

Change target languages:

gtset target pt,en,sv

Change source language:

gtset source de

Set any option back to it's default value:

gtset source default


  • auto = Detect automatically
  • af = Afrikaans
  • sq = Albanian
  • ar = Arabic
  • hy = Armenian
  • az = Azerbaijani
  • eu = Basque
  • be = Belarusian
  • bn = Bengali
  • bg = Bulgarian
  • ca = Catalan
  • zh-cn = Chinese (Simplified)
  • zh-tw = Chinese (Traditional)
  • hr = Croatian
  • cs = Czech
  • da = Danish
  • nl = Dutch
  • en = English
  • eo = Esperanto
  • et = Estonian
  • tl = Filipino
  • fi = Finnish
  • fr = French
  • gl = Galician
  • ka = Georgian
  • kk = Kazakh
  • de = German
  • el = Greek
  • gu = Gujarati
  • ht = Haitian Creole
  • he = Hebrew
  • hi = Hindi
  • hu = Hungarian
  • is = Icelandic
  • id = Indonesian
  • ga = Irish
  • it = Italian
  • ja = Japanese
  • kn = Kannada
  • km = Khmer
  • ko = Korean
  • lo = Lao
  • la = Latin
  • lv = Latvian
  • lt = Lithuanian
  • mk = Macedonian
  • ms = Malay
  • mt = Maltese
  • no = Norwegian
  • fa = Persian
  • pl = Polish
  • pt = Portuguese
  • pt-br = Brazilian Portuguese
  • ro = Romanian
  • ru = Russian
  • sr = Serbian
  • sk = Slovak
  • sl = Slovenian
  • es = Spanish
  • sw = Swahili
  • sv = Swedish
  • ta = Tamil
  • te = Telugu
  • th = Thai
  • tr = Turkish
  • uk = Ukrainian
  • ur = Urdu
  • vi = Vietnamese
  • cy = Welsh
  • yi = Yiddish


The MIT License (MIT)