
Environment-configurable docker image with Nginx and automatic Let's Encrypt

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Environment-configurable docker image with Nginx and automatic Let's Encrypt

The image is fully configurable via environment variables and does not require the creation of configuration files.

Inspired by nginx-le/nginx-le.

Example docker-compose.yml

You only need to set SERVER_NAMES, LE_EMAIL and PROXY_PASS OR FASTCGI_PASS to get started.

Configuration files are generated every time the container starts, so there is no need to rebuild for the changes to take effect.

version: '3.5'
        image: avzd/nginx-le:latest

            ## Space-separated list of domains to host
            SERVER_NAMES: api.example.com api2.example.com

            ## https://letsencrypt.org/docs/expiration-emails/
            LE_EMAIL: bob@example.com

            ## Uncomment this to run certbot with --dry-run
            # LE_DRY_RUN: "yes"

            ## Simple proxy HTTP
            # PROXY_PASS: http://host:8080

            ## OR

            ## FastCGI (e.g. for php-fpm):
            # FASTCGI_PASS: host:9000
            # FASTCGI_PARAM_SCRIPT_FILENAME: /sources/index.php

            ## ...
            ## See all options in Dockerfile ENV

        # volumes:
            ## To make dhparams persistent
            # - /path/to/ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl

            ## To make certificates persistent
            # - /path/to/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt

        restart: always

            driver: json-file
                max-size: "10m"
                max-file: "5"

            - "80:8080"
            - "443:4430"

See also