
Repository for Packages and Code Related to Reinforcement Learning Projects

Primary LanguageJava

Reinforcement Learning

The goal of the project is to build a learning agent using principles of reinforcement learning. The learning agent will, in this case, be a custom robot tank which learn to fight in RoboCode.

Language : Java

Project Phases

The overall project will be divided into 3 phases.

Phase 1

The Error Backpropagation Algorithm

The goal of Phase 1 is to develop methods that can be used to deploy a 3 layer Artifical Neural Network (ANN) that can learn any n-input and n-output problem using the Error Backpropagation Algorithm.

Status : Complete


  • Understand the Error Backpropagation Algorithm
  • Create a high level design for the implementation
    • CommonInterface : Specfies baseline methods
    • NeuralNet Interface : Extends the CommonInterface and specifies baseline methods to be used in all NeuralNets
    • NeuralNet Class : Implements the NeuralNet Interface
  • Develop unit tests
    • Used to test all functions in the NeuralNet Class
  • Develop methods
  • Use methods to build a 3 layer ANN and test it on the XOR Problem

Phase 2

The goal of Phase 2 is to develop methods that can be used to implement the Temporal Difference Algorithm (TD) using Look Up Tables (LUT). This will then be used to train a custom robot tank in RoboCode.

Reinforcement Learning : The Temporal Difference Algorithm

Status : Complete


  • Understand the Q Learning algorithm
  • Create a high level design for the implementation
    • LUT Interface : Extends the CommonInterface and specifies baseline methods to be used in all LUTs
    • LUT Class : Implementes the LUT Interface
  • Develop methods to implement the Temporal Difference algorithm
  • Build a cusom Robot Tank in Robocode
    • Use methods to implement Q Learning and train the custom robot against an enemy tank
    • Best win rate 65%

Phase 3

The goal of Phase 3 is to make use of the results of Phase 1 and Phase 2 in an effort to make the custom Robot "intelligent". That is, incorporate Error Backpropagation in the TD algorithm.

Putting it all together

Status : Complete


  • Replace the LUT from Phase 2 with a Multilayer NN using modules developed in Phase 1
    • Use LUT from best case in Phase 2 to train NN and determine architecture
  • Overload Q Learning methods to make use of NN
  • Train Robot tank against Sample.Fire.
    • Win rate upto 90%
  • Develop functions for Experience Replay
    • Create Memory object (circular queue of abstract State datatype)

Phase 4

Code cleanup and housekeeping.

Status : Pending