
Headless Alpine Linux bootstrapping scripts (no analytics)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Bootstrap Alpine Linux on a headless system

Alpine Linux documentation assumes initial setup is carried-out on a system with a keyboard & display to interract with.
However, in many cases one might want to deploy a headless system that is only available through a network connection (ethernet, wifi or as USB ethernet gadget).

This repo provides an overlay file to initially bootstrap1 a headless system (leveraging Alpine distro's initramfs feature): it starts a ssh server to log-into from another Computer, so that actual install on fresh system (or rescue on existing disk-based system) can then be performed remotely.
An optional script may also be launched during that same initial bootstrap, to perform fully automated setup.

Setup procedure:

Please follow Alpine Linux Wiki to download & create installation media for the target platform.
Tools provided here can be used on any plaform for any install modes (diskless, data disk, system disk).

Just add headless.apkovl.tar.gz2 overlay file as-is at the root of Alpine Linux boot media (or onto any custom side-media) and boot-up the system.
With default DCHP-based network interface definitions (and SSID/pass file if using wifi), system can then be remotely accessed with: ssh root@<IP>
(system IP address may be determined with any IP scanning tools such as nmap).

As with Alpine Linux initial bring-up, root account has no password initially (change that during target setup!).
From there, actual system install can be performed as usual with setup-alpine for instance (check wiki for details).

Extra configuration:

Extra files may be added next to headless.apkovl.tar.gz to customise boostrapping configuration (check sample files):

  • wpa_supplicant.conf3 (mandatory for wifi usecase): define wifi SSID & password.
  • unattended.sh3 (optional): provide a deployment script to automate setup & customizations during initial bootstrap.
  • interfaces3 (optional): define network interfaces at will, if defaults DCHP-based are not suitable.
  • authorized_keys (optional): provide client's public SSH key to secure root ssh login.
  • ssh_host_*_key* (optional): provide server's custom ssh keys to be injected (may be stored), instead of using bundled ones2 (not stored). Providing an empty key file will trigger new keys generation (ssh server may take longer to start).

Main execution steps are logged: cat /var/log/messages | grep headless.


Seamless USB-serial & USB-ethernet gadget mode (e.g. PiZero):

  • Make sure dwc2/dwc3 driver is loaded accordingly, and device configuration is set to peripheral mode: this may be hardware (including cable) and/or software driven.
    (on supporting Pi devices, just add dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=peripheral in usercfg.txt (or config.txt) to force by software)
  • Plug USB cable into host Computer port before boot.
    Serial terminal can then be connected-to from host Computer (e.g. cu -l ttyACM0 on Linux. xon/xoff flow control).
    Alternatively, with host Computer set-up to share networking with USB interface as gateway, one can log into device from host with: ssh root@

Want to tweak more ?

This repository may be forked/cloned/downloaded.
Main script file is headless_bootstrap.
Execute ./make.sh to rebuild headless.apkovl.tar.gz after changes.
(requires busybox; check busybox build options if not running from Alpine or Ubuntu)


Thanks for the initial guides & scripts from @sodface and @davidmytton.


  1. Initial boot fully preserves system's original state (config files & installed packages): a fresh system will therefore come-up as unconfigured.

  2. About bundled ssh keys: this overlay is meant to quickly bootstrap system in order to then proceed with proper install; therefore it purposely embeds some ssh keys so that bootstrapping is as fast as possible. Those temporary keys are moved in RAM /tmp: they will not be stored/reused once actual system install is performed (whether or not ssh server is installed in final setup). 2

  3. These files are linux text files: Windows/macOS users need to use text editors supporting linux text line-ending (such as notepad++, BBEdit or any similar). 2 3