
Awesome menu for your apps!

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


License Platform

An Menu component for your awesome apps!


  • Swift 4.2. Should work with Swift 3.*

Example Project

You have a fully functional demo in PGMenu folder



Just drag and drop Source folder in your project


pod 'PGMenu'

Using PGMenu

  • Create an array of ButtonConfiguration<CircleButtonParameters, Any> you can use this function:
func getButtonsParameters() -> [ButtonConfiguration<CircleButtonParameters, Any>] {

  var parameters = [ButtonConfiguration<CircleButtonParameters, Any>]()

  let airquality = getMenuItemConfiguration(imageName: "airquality",
                                            gradient: Gradient(colors: (initColor: UIColor(rgb: 0x11998e), endColor: UIColor(rgb: 0x38ef7d)),
                                            orientation: GradientOrientation.bottomRightTopLeft),
                                            textMenuItem: "Air quality")
  let journey = getMenuItemConfiguration(imageName: "journey",
                                          gradient: Gradient(colors: (initColor: UIColor(rgb: 0x800080), endColor: UIColor(rgb: 0xffc0cb)),
                                          orientation: GradientOrientation.bottomRightTopLeft), textMenuItem: "Journey")

  parameters = [airquality, journey]
  return parameters
  • Create the StackMenu object
  let menuItems = self.getButtonsParameters()
  let stackMenu = StackMenu(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.frame.size.width, height: self.view.frame.size.height), configuration: menuItems)
  • Set the delegate
  stackMenu.delegate = self
  • Implement the delegate method
  extension ViewController: StackMenuDelegate {

      @objc func stackMenu( pressedButtonAtIndex: Int) {
          print("Pressed: \(#function) index: \(pressedButtonAtIndex)")
  • And finally, add the stackmenu to the main view

And voilá....


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to create an issue.


PGMenu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

If you use it, I'll be happy to know about it.