HPCE 2016 CW6

This coursework is due on:

Fri Dec 9th, 22:00

Submission is via GitHub, and as before the two people in pairs should connect together their repositories via write permissions.


The schedule I'm planning for auto-runs is:

  • Fri 2nd, 15:00

  • Mon 5th, 18:00

  • Tue 6th, 18:00

  • Wed 7th, 18:00

  • Thu 8th, 18:00

This is mainly dictated by when I have time to nurse the instances.

I may also run them at other times (probably Thu 1st, as I'm debugging the flow with real submissions).

Note that these are the times when I will pull - the actual results will take a while to churn through, particularly as there are two instance types to spin up. My estimated lag is four hours, but that isn't guaranteed.

Also, the same "dt10_runs/count_me_in" thing applies if you want to see comparative results.

Overall Goals

The overall goal for this coursework is to explore methods of accelerating a (simplified) version of the POETS simulator. As this is rather an open-ended task, I'm looking for two things:

  • (60%) Concrete speed-up of the given simulator when using a g2.2xlarge or a c4.4xlarge. Speed-up here is defined as the total execution time of the simulator, from program start time to finish time. The particular application I'm interested in is the "heat" application, which is very similar to the one from CW3.

  • (40%) Insight, analysis, and suggestions for good strategies for accelerating the simulator of POETS applications. You have limited time to actually implement ideas, so this is a chance to explain what you would do if you were me.

Context and Background

POETS is a research project (funded by the EPSRC) that is attempting to build asynchronous hardware platforms in order to provide high-performance compute systems. A key underlying idea is that ordered communication channels and synchronous barriers make it difficult to scale to 10K+ cores. So the idea of POETS is to decompose applications into 100K+ asynchronous "devices" - they are roughly analogous to agents or threads - which then communicate via the passing of small messages. Compared with current systems we plan to have very fine-grain compute and communication, with each device containing 10-100 bytes of state, and each message containing 4-10 bytes of payload. The messages passed between devices flow over the edges of a graph, which reflects the underlying topology of the application.

In order to build this system, we have to rethink a number of components in a computer system:

  • Hardware: the underlying POETS hardware consists of ~10K RISC-V cores, all connected together via a custom interconnect. The system has to be able to efficiently handle billions of tiny packets per second, so both the CPUs and network must tightly coupled, and optimised around message passing.

  • Systems software: a traditional operating system does not think in terms of graphs, so a custom OS is needed which understands the topology of the hardware, and can then map a given application topology onto the hardware. For a regular 2D topology (e.g. the cartesian grid seen in CW3) this is relatively easy, but most problems require less regular or completely unstructured meshes.

  • Applications: Any application that will be run on POETS has to be completely rewritten or re-thought in order to decompose it into devices and messages. As there are no barriers or ordering, it is necessary to build any synchronisation into the messages themselves. However, reintroducing synchronisation will limit performance, so the difficult part is designing applications which are globally asynchronous, but still give the right answer.

The project began only recently, so neither the hardware nor systems software exist yet. This presents a problem for the applications people (Imperial + Newcastle), as we have to try to develop and test applications without having a way of running them. We can simulate the applications, but this leads to a lot of slow-down.

So there are two key things we currently need from simulators:

  • High performance: we are interested in seeing whether applications still work for very large problem graphs, but this means we have to simulate a fine-grain message passing machine on a traditional machine. Simulating ~1e6 messages/sec is fairly easy, but the real hardware will be supporting ~1e10 messages/sec. Closing the performance gap gives more confidence that the applications being developed will actually scale well.

  • Hardware fidelity: the fastest way of simulating POETS is to completely ignore the network, and deliver messages as soon as they are generated, but in the real world there will be a network, and it will get congested. While it is possible to design applications that can tolerate any amount of delay, they will still slow down. Simulating some amount of network delay gives more confidence, but also makes the simulation process much slower.

More detailed specifications

What I want from you is something that allows us to explore and evaluate possible POETS applications faster, and with a better idea about performance. The simulator I've given you is cut-down on functionality, but contains most of the same features in terms of complexity.

So things you need to deliver are:

  • A (correct) simulator which supports the "heat" application. This should be compilable by calling:

    make user_simulator

    in the submission root directory.

    • The resulting output executable should be called bin/user/simulator, and should support the same parameters, inputs, and outputs as bin/ref/simulator.

    • One thing the simulator produces is a stream of statistics, explaining what the devices and edges were doing in each hardware "time step". This should match the output of the reference simulator.

    • The simulator should also produce a stream which is the "output" of the application. So this is the answer we would be interested in if we ran it on the real hardware. This is motion-JPEG compressed, so I will accept small RMSE distortions, for an unspecified but "reasonable" level of small (this gives me some wiggle room, and stops over-optimisation on the less interesting stuff).

    • The simulator also produces a stream of statistics, which describes what the simulated hardware is doing in terms of simulated CPU and network activity.

  • A file called readme.pdf which covers two areas:

    • An explanation of how your current code and approach works, which allows an interested reader to then look at and be able to follow the code.

    • A discussion of general strategies and parallelisation methods that can be applied, including their strengths and weaknesses. I'm particularly interested in strategies for GPU-based acceleration, though multi-core (and multi-machine) is good too. These can be methods that you've invented, or methods you've seen other people discuss, but you need to explain why they would be a good choice in this context. Also don't try to cover every single idea - just think of the highest impact or most interesting approaches.

    Your readme.pdf does not need to be incredibly long or highly polished, but it should try to clearly explain your ideas and reasoning. I would imagine around two pages per section is enough. Figures are useful, but they don't need to be highly detailed. Hand-drawn figures are completely fine as long as they are understandable (and don't result in 50MB pdfs...)

The default target platform is g2.2xlarge. If you want to target the c4.4xlarge instead, then create a file called "c4.4xlarge" in your root directory.

You can modify anything in your submission directory, as long as you are willing to handle merge conflicts if the spec is updated. I would suggest not changing things in the following directories:

  • include

  • src/ref

  • src/tools

  • dt10_runs

Problem overview

The idea of POETS is to support many applications, but in order to make this manageable I'm getting you to focus on just one, which is basic heat-diffusion. This is not actually a very realistic application, as one would never actually solve it in the way we'll do it, but it is simple enough to be tractable in the time we have, while also exposing most of the performance problems.

The heat application

The idea of the heat simulation is to discretise space into multiple devices, each representing the heat of a spatial cell, and then evolve the spread of heat across a number of discrete time-steps. We want to evolve the heat solution forwards for the whole graph, so each point does that by running the following process:

1 - Broadcasting its initial heat to all neighbouring devices

2 - Wait to receive the current heat from all neighbouring devices

3 - Calculating its next heat based on the current heat of itself, and broadcast to its neighbours.

4 - Go back to step 2.

Some of the cells are Dirichlet boundary conditions, and calculate their current heat using a fixed function of time. To keep things simple, the boundary condition function is really simple, though it is still non-linear (which makes it a problem that can't be solved analytically).

The devices are all completely asynchronous, so they have to maintain a local shared notion of which timestep they are on. What complicates things is that you may receive updates from neighbours before you have actually sent yours, so each device may be active in two timesteps at the same time. This leads to the wavefront evolution of "time" shown in the lecture, where different parts of the graph can be at very different simulation times, while local parts are more constrained.

The neighbourhoods of the devices are defined by channels, which are directional edges between pairs of devices. Each channel has a weight, which defines how easily heat flows along that path (in the real application this is based on the local spatial and temporal derivatives of the PDE). For this application there are three kinds of interesting channel configurations:

  • "rect" : the devices are connected in a regular 2D mesh, with north, south, east and west neighbours.

  • "hex" : the devices are connected into a 2D honeycomb lattice, so interior cells have 6 neighbours.

  • "mesh" : the connectivity of each cell can be different, with no particular structure.

Different problems tend to lead to different topologies, so finite-difference methods tend to use "rect", "hex" can sometimes be useful for approximating non axis-aligned forces, while "mesh" is most useful where the world has sharp curves and corners.

Each device steps through every time point during the solution, which means the "full" solution consists of the value of every device at every time point. However, if we have 1M devices, and run it for 1M time-steps (on the lower end of things), this generates approximately 4TB of data. While there is a huge amount of bandwidth between devices, getting the data out is a much bigger problem, so the actual output result must be sub-sampled in space and time. For example, we might choose to observe only 1/8 of the devices, and only capture every 100th time-step, reducing the bandwidth to 5GB, which is much more manageable and can then be streamed to a single machine for visualisation.

Responsibility for capturing and managing this data is given to the "supervisor" device, which runs on a normal CPU. In the real architecture there are many of these supervisor CPUs, but we'll only model one here. Because the devices are all operating at different time-points, the supervisor has to build up "slices" of time. Each output message will be associated with a particular simulation slice, so it must be inserted into the appropriate slice buffer. Once the buffer is full it can be interpolated for visualisation, then sent to the output. In this example, the slices are rendered using nearest neighbour interpolation, then sent to a file as MJPEG (a sequence of JPEGs).

So the job of the supervisor is:

  1. For each output message (h,t):

    a. If this is the first output for slice t, allocate a new buffer

    b. Insert the heat h into the correct position in the buffer based on the source device

  2. If the earliest time-slice is complete (all values received) then:

    a. Spatially interpolate the missing values in the heat solution

    b. Encode the resulting heat-map as JPEG and write to file

    c. Discard the time-slice

The result of running the devices and supervisor together is a graph of the heat over time, which is the "solution".

The POETS simulator

The heat application only describes the behaviour of the application, so in order to execute it we need some kind of hardware. For a given POETS application we would like to run it on different simulators, as well as the target hardware, including:

  • Functional simulators: these try to run the application logic as fast as possible, in order to test the high-level properties, i.e. does it calculate the right answer?

  • Behavioral simulators: as well as running the application logic, these try to capture some elements of how the underlying functional units of the hardware work in order to give insight into how fast it is likely to run.

  • Cycle-accurate simulators: every element of the hardware is captured at the cycle-level, including all bus-level transactions. This is incredibly slow, but ensures that all low-level performance effects are captured.

The tradeoff between simulation speed and simulation fidelity is very common - consider a functional versus timing-driven simulation of digital circuits. I'm going to get you to look at a behavioural simulator, which captures some elements of the underlying hardware, but extracts others away.

The specific assumptions I'll use are:

  • Each device is mapped to one node, containing a CPU.

  • Each channel is mapped to one network edge.

  • The simulated hardware proceeds in "steps", where each step represents one discrete unit of hardware time.

  • At each step, every node gets a chance to send a message, and place the message in all outgoing network edges.

  • At each step, every edge gets a chance to deliver a message to its target node.

  • Each network edge can contain at most one message.

  • Each network edge has a delay, which captures the length of time it takes the message to transit the edge.

  • A node can only send a message if all outgoing edges are empty.

There is a simple graphical simulator of these semantics available here, although it doesn't model network delays.

So during each step a node can be in one of the following states:

  • idle : the device on the node didn't want to send a message, so there is nothing to do at the application level.

  • blocked : the device wanted to send a message at the application level, but there was no network capacity at the hardware level.

  • sent : the application generated a message

Similarly the edges can be in a number of states:

  • idle : no messages arrived or were sent

  • transit : there is a message in the edge, but it is still in flight

  • delivered : a message exited the edge and was received by the application-level device.

During each time step the simulator produces a summary of statistics, counting how many nodes and devices were in each state. The idea is that this can be used to find patterns and problems in the hardware utilisation.

Note: While simplifying the network model to turn this into the coursework, I took out a source of randomness applied to the delay on a per-packet basis (simulating hardware uncertainty). At the time I thought that the network delays still resulted in unpredictable statistics, but I was only looking at big graphs. For smaller graphs there is clear periodicity after a while, related to the largest network delay and/or the LCM of the delays.

Detecting and exploiting periodicity is not a useful solution in this scenario, as it is only an artefact of the simplification. It is tempting to add back in the randomness, but that would cause a breaking-change, and people are already working on their code and have generated reference outputs. So far I haven't seen anyone trying to exploit the periodicity, so I'm simply going to state: detecting statistical periodicity is not a valid solution, and should not be applied.

Running the simulator

In order to run the simulator, you need an input file.

First build the tools:

make reference_tools

You may need to sudo apt install libjpeg-dev in order to get the JPEG compression libraries and headers.

Then generate a graph:

bin/tools/generate_heat_rect 5

You'll see the structure of a 5x5 graph printed out. Save the output to a file:

mkdir -p w
bin/tools/generate_heat_rect 5 > w/heat5.graph

Then you can simulate it:

bin/ref/simulator w/heat5.graph - w/heat5.mjpeg

This will produce:

  • Statistics printed to stdout (the hardware utilisation)

  • The application output printed to w/heat5.mjpeg as a motion jpeg

  • Logging information printed to stderr

Let's generate higher resolution 63x63 mesh, run it for 1024 heat updates, and sub-sample by 4 temporally and 8 spatially (originally I labelled these wrong, see issue #14) and turn the logging off:

mkdir -p w
bin/tools/generate_heat_rect 63 1024 4 8  > w/heat63.graph
bin/ref/simulator --log-level 0 w/heat63.graph - w/heat63.mjpeg

It will run for a while, and then finish, with a longer heat trace and more statistics. Even though we only wanted 1024 application level time points, it has taken over 17000 hardware steps to achieve it, due to network delays on some edges.

If you want to look at the output, the tools that I believe can play mjpeg are:

Note: looking at the mjpeg output can be useful to determine what the calculation is doing, and for large-scale breakages. However, if you're checking correctness you want to automate it and not rely on human eyes. One approach is to ensure the outputs are diffable (binary exact). Another approach is to find an image diff program. Another approach is to notice that the jpeg_helper contains a decompressor as well as a compressor.

In terms of performance, the metric of performance for this scenario is simply the execution time of the simulator:

time bin/ref/simulator --log-level 0 w/heat63.graph w/heat63.stats w/heat63.mjpeg

The goal is to minimise the "heat" simulation time for:

  • Different numbers of nodes

  • The three different topology types (rect, hex, mesh)

  • Different levels of spatial and temporal sub-sampling of the output. The more nodes there are, the longer it takes to get large-scale heat movements, so sub-sampling (especially temporal) tends to increase as the problem gets bigger.

By nature POETS is supposed to support many applications, which is why the simulator is written in such a strange way. However, to make the problem more tractable, I'm only asking you to look at "heat".

Managing expectations

This is not an artificially constructed task where I know exactly how to "solve" it. It is a simplified port of an existing simulator I wrote, with some features taken out. It is also quite a complicated piece of code, so there is a possibility that we'll encounter bugs which I'll need to patch. It may also be slightly under-specified, as it wasn't constructed solely with assessment in mind - if refinements are needed, let me know.

I obviously have a lot of ideas about good ways of doing it, and already have a very fast multi-core functional simulator. There is also a large amount of existing research into how to make this kind of problem faster and more parallel, but not this specific problem. There are some parts of the problem where I have knowingly made things sub-optimal, mainly by deliberately not pre-optimising things as I wrote it, but there are not that many.

In terms of GPU acceleration, my assumption is that this can be made to work quite well on a GPU. The question is how to map the different memory structures to that level, and how to deal with the output side of things.

Overall, I expect to see quite large speed-ups, but you will need to transform the code quite a bit to get those. Note that you are free to strip away abstraction layers if you wish - the separation between hardware simulator and application is important for generic code, but you know that the only target of interest here is heat.