DXB APPS - D X Technologies LLC


  1. Session can only be used for storing user name or id
  2. Should follow the MVC pattern
  3. SQL Aggregate functions need to be used in required place4. All server communication should be in ajax and the content type should be in json (Exemption for user page and initial question loading page)
  4. Database should be in normalized form
  5. Code should be elegant and readable
  6. PHP version Min 7.3
  7. Unwanted usage of variables and functions need to be avoided
  8. SQL functions should be used if it is faster than using a php function


  1. Server side/Client side validation
  2. User can view his previous results
  3. Using of new features of PHP 7.x
  4. Making the code hack proof using the framework inbuilt libraries and classes
  5. If a user closes the browser, after he reopen the browser again, he can answer the remaining questions.
