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Currently, there are three series published:

The Essential Series:

This series covers the essentials required to be in the field of Cyber-Security.

  • CyberSecurity in an Enterprise : This blog is about the cybersecurity in an Enterprise? We would start with a simple concept of two people ( Alice and Bob ) starting a new company and building it to Micro ( < 10 employees ), Small ( < 50 employees ), Medium-sized ( < 250 employees ), larger with security breachs, vulnerablitiy assessments happening. We would mention a story, what all devices are required with what security etc.
  • Linux Basics : This post lists essential commands and concepts which would be helpful to a Linux user. We would cover tools required for programming ( Vi, git ), system administration ( Bash configuration files, Updating Debian Linux System, Adding/Deleting/Modifying Users/Groups, Changing Group/Owner/Permission, Mounting/Unmounting, Linux Directories, Runlevels and Kernel Configurations ).

Infrastructure Pentest Series:

This series cover all the phases of Infrastructure Pentest as described in Pentest-Standard.org

  • Intelligence Gathering : This post would list the technical steps which might be important while doing the information gathering of an organization and we only know the company name or it’s domain name such as example.com
  • Vulnerability Analysis : This post would cover different options available to explore and exploit different services running on different ports by utilizing metasploit-fu and nmap or other tools.
  • Exploitation : This post would provide a overview of different methods of enumeration once we have access to credentials of a domain user of windows domain and multiple ways to execute remote commands on the remote machine once we have administrative credentials.
  • Post Exploitation : In this post, we will explore multiple methods of gathering credentials after getting a administrative remote shell. We would also have explore multiple ways to have a High-Impact post exploitation which leaves an impact to the higher mangagement of the organization.
  • Reporting : This post would provide different open-source ways to automate report writing after the Pentest.

Capture the flag Series

Series covers the learning obtained by solving the Capture the flag (CTF) challenges

  • Vulnerable Machines : Knowledge gained by solving/ reading write-ups of vulnerable machines provided by the VulnHub, Hack the Box etc.
  • Binary Exploitation : Knowledge gained by solving/ reading write-ups of binary exploitation challenges.

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