
PHP task runner

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

This package is not maintained anymore, a fun mini project keeped as archive only


I know you love Grunt and Gulp when it comes to automate tedious tasks such as minifying CSS and JS, resizing images... Everybody does.

But are you allergic to NPM as I am?

Are you fed up with having to download nearly half the Internet when you just want to minify a bunch of files?

Beverage is there for you: pure PHP- and Composer-powered task runner for your projects.

As easy to use as Gulp, minus the NPM dependencies chaos. If you know Gulp, you already master Beverage.



Add this to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "awakenweb/beverage": "dev-master"


Have a look at the Modules page


First, create a drinkmenu.php file at the root of your project. You can create a boilerplate file by running the vendor/bin/beverage beverage:init command.

This file will contain the different tasks you will want to run.

This file must at least contain a defaultTask() function that will be triggered when calling the beverage command if no specific task is called.

Here is a demo drinkmenu.php :


use Awakenweb\Beverage\Beverage;
use Awakenweb\Beverage\Modules\Css;
use Awakenweb\Beverage\Modules\Js;

function defaultTask()

function minifyCss()
    Beverage::files('*.css', ['css'])
            ->then(new Css())

function minifyJs()
    Beverage::files('*.js', ['js'])
            ->then(new Js())

For a more complete demo file, run vendor/bin/beverage beverage:init

You can now run the command by calling vendor/bin/beverage

Every command can be called by shorthand: vendor/bin/beverage b:i will have the same effect as vendor/bin/beverage beverage:init.


You can use the --drinkmenu option to specify where to find the drinkmenu.php file, or if you renamed it.

File Watcher

You can define a file watcher to automatically run tasks on recently modified files.

You need to import the Awakenweb\Beverage\Watcher module in your drinkmenu.php and create a dedicated watch() task.

function watch($output)
    (new Watcher($output))
        ->beforeTasks(new RandomListener())
        ->afterTasks(new AnotherRandomListener())
        ->watch('*.scss', ['compileScssAndMinifyCss'], ['scss'])

The beforeTasks and afterTasks methods allow you to register hooks that will be triggered before and after your tasks when the files are changed.

These hooks must implement the Awakenweb\Beverage\WatcherListenerthat only needs aupdate()` method.

By allowing a $output parameter, you give the watcher a way to tell you when a task is triggered and when it's done.

You can either launch the watcher as any other task (vendor/bin/beverage beverage:run watch) or with the special task dedicated to watching files: vendor/bin/beverage beverage:watch



  • If you found a bug and feel confident enough to correct it, please send a pull request with your bugfix and a unit test to identify the bug.

  • If you can't correct the bug by yourself, please fill an issue on this Github repository.

Security vulnerabilities

  • If you think you found a security vulnerability in this package, please contact Mathieu SAVELLI by email before doing anything else.

New Features

  • Before sending a Pull Request for a new feature you want to add directly to the Beverage codebase, please contact Mathieu SAVELLI by email. If the feature is found to be a good fit for Beverage, you are free to make a pull request.

  • If you like this package, the best thing you can do is to provide new awesome modules for Beverage and notify me. I'll add them to this readme.



Beverage is released under the MIT License