Task management application

My Task management is a service Task management application. It build with Laravel 10*, React.js, Tailwind css.

Project installation procedure


  • First install composer in your machine
  • This need PHP version >= 8.1.
  • Node version need Node version >= 18.0.
  • For npm package management use Yarn . If you don't have yarn install

Here we ready to go installation process. Run this command in your command line

start installation process

  • Clone this project https://github.com/awalhadi/task-management.git
  • Run composer install
  • Run cp .env.example .env
  • Run php artisan key:generate
  • setup your database name DB_DATABASE='your database name .env file
  • setup your database user name DB_USERNAME='your database user name' .env file
  • setup your database password DB_PASSWORD='your database password' .env file
  • setup Mail configuration .env file for getting email
  • Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  • Run yarn install
  • Run yarn build

Now Hope this application ready


This Application developed by @Hadi.