koa middleware to apply jsonschema with route
Install with npm
npm install koa-route-schema --save
or install using yarn
yarn add koa-route-schema
- built-in route handle, validate schema for each route stand-alone
- validate data in query/body, auto select base on HTTP METHOD, or
- work fine with other route system, support koa-rest-router and koa-better-router by default
- also supported: add schema to each route handle separately
- use ajv-errors, ajv-keywords easily, optionally
trans schema list to schemaOptions
and new KoaRouteSchema
let routeschema = KoaRouteSchema({
prefix: "v1",
locale: 'en',
schemaOptions: [
route: "/docs/:id",
method: "GET",
schema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
type: {
type: "string",
title: "type",
minLength: 0,
maxLength: 5,
route: "/docs",
method: "POST",
schema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
content: {
type: "string",
title: "content",
minLength: 0,
maxLength: 5000,
type: {
type: "string",
title: "type",
mock: { mock: "@string" },
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 20,
enum: ["example", "hexo", "weibo"],
required: ["content", "type"],
// standalone mode
// attach mode
routeschema.attachToRouter(router /* router like koa-better-router */);
// schema.js
const RouteSchema = require('../../index')
const schema = new RouteSchema({
prefix: 'v1'
module.exports = schema
// router.js
const compose = require('koa-compose')
const router = Router({ prefix: '/api' }).loadMethods()
router.schema = schema
router.get('/', compose([
router.schema.routeQueryMiddleware({ type: 'object', properties: { type: { type: 'string', title: '类型', minLength: 1, maxLength: 20, enum: ['example', 'hexo', 'weibo'] } }, required: ['type'] }),
(ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = `Hello world! Prefix: ${ctx.query.type}`
return next()
// can use generator middlewares
router.post('/foobar', compose([
router.schema.routeBodyMiddleware({ type: 'object', properties: { content: { type: 'string', title: '内容', minLength: 0, maxLength: 5000 }, type: { type: 'string', title: '类型', mock: { mock: '@string' }, minLength: 1, maxLength: 20, enum: ['example', 'hexo', 'weibo'] } }, required: ['content', 'type'] }),
function(ctx, next) {
ctx.body = `Foo Bar Baz! ${ctx.request.body.content}`
return next()
var options = {
prefix: 'v1',
ajv: {}, // options passed to ajv constructor
ajvErrors: undefined, // options directly pass to ajv-errors, you can also call ajv-errors to [instance].ajv
ajvKeywords: undefined, // options directly pass to ajv-keywords, you can also call ajv-keywords to [instance].ajv
locale: undefined, // local pass to ajv-i18n
schemaOptions: []
parseSchemaOptions: null, // [function]-parse real schemaOptions
getRoute: function(o) { // [function]-get route from each schemaOption item
return o.route
getMethod: function(o) { // [function]-get method from each schemaOption item
return o.method
getSchema: function(o) { // [function]-get schema from each schemaOption item
return o.schema
getBodySchema: null, // [function]-get bodySchema from each schemaOption item
getQuerySchema: null, // [function]-get querySchema from each schemaOption item
getData: null, // [function]-get data to validate from koa context
attachRoute: null, // [function]-attach middleware to router item, support koa-better-route and koa-rest-router by default
bodyErrorPrefix: 'body: ',
queryErrorPrefix: 'query: ',
onError: null // [function]-handle validate error
load schema
get middleware globally, built-in route check, can work without other route system
attach validate to appropriate route, accept one argument stand for router instance
use options.attachRoute
to define how to mix validation into supplied router system
get middleware used with route middleware, to validate supplied schema
get middleware used with route middleware, to validate body schema
get middleware used with route middleware, to validate query schema
default handler is:
var defaultAjvOnError = function(err, ctx, errorsText) {
if (err.message === 'RouteSchemaErrors') {
ctx.throw(400, errorsText)
} else {
throw err
var errorsText = _this.ajv.errorsText(validate.errors, { separator: '\n', dataVar: errorPrefix })
you can use custom handler by pass onError
new RouteSchema({
onError: function (err, ctx, errorsText) {/* something */}
more validate information placed at ctx.routeSchemaErrors
and ctx.routeSchemaValidate
ctx.routeSchemaErrors = validate.errors
ctx.routeSchemaValidate = validate