- 0
Show the user recommendation
#26 opened by AMG222 - 2
Interpreting the recommendation results
#25 opened by gurkandyilmaz - 10
How to make recommendation for a specific user ?
#23 opened by reobroqn - 1
- 1
Hi , can you please provide the same for Proximal policy optimization algorithm based recommendation . Thanks
#21 opened by conely89 - 2
Hi , i am getting RuntimeError: Could not infer dtype of numpy.int64 in DDPG . I am not able to fix this How to solve this ? Thanks
#22 opened by conely89 - 0
Hi can you please provide the ml20_pca128.pkl file needed for the project ? Thanks
#20 opened by conely89 - 4
[Error Report] RecNN on Colab isn't working
#19 opened by Rowing0914 - 6
- 5
- 6
Questions about DDPG
#15 opened by mdev11 - 4
- 1
Getting error when trying to run the given sample. AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'progress_apply'
#13 opened by mehdi-sol - 4
How is ml20_pca128.pkl embedding generated and how to generate the similar embeddings for ml_1m and ml_100k datasets ?
#12 opened by honolulu2 - 3
running streamlit_demo but error
#11 opened by MissYBYue - 2
- 5
Questions about Topk REINFORCE
#8 opened by wwwangzhch - 2
- 4
- 3
- 10
when will top-k off-policy be implemented?
#3 opened by joseph-chan - 4
Why DDPG always takes the same action
#6 opened by davidjiangt - 4
confused about train
#4 opened by davidjiangt - 9
Deep Reinforcement Learning based Recommendation with Explicit User-Item Interactions Modeling
#2 opened by miladfa7 - 4
Pandas Performance suggestion
#1 opened by truongthanh96