
The light sensor measures the ambient light. It can be used to detect indoor or outdoor light conditions. The official SensorManager Light constants are:

  • Cloudy sky: 100.0
  • Full moon: 0.25
  • No moon: 0.001
  • Overcast: 10000.0
  • Shade: 20000.0
  • Sunlight: 110000.0
  • Sunlight maximum: 120000.0
  • Sunrise: 400.0

Public functions


  • start(context: Context, config: LightSensor.Config?): Starts the light sensor with the optional configuration.
  • stop(context: Context): Stops the service.
  • currentInterval: Data collection rate per second. (e.g. 5 samples per second)


Class to hold the configuration of the sensor.


  • sensorObserver: LightSensor.Observer: Callback for live data updates.
  • interval: Int: Data samples to collect per second. (default = 5)
  • period: Float: Period to save data in minutes. (default = 1)
  • threshold: Double: If set, do not record consecutive points if change in value is less than the set value.
  • enabled: Boolean Sensor is enabled or not. (default = false)
  • debug: Boolean enable/disable logging to Logcat. (default = false)
  • label: String Label for the data. (default = "")
  • deviceId: String Id of the device that will be associated with the events and the sensor. (default = "")
  • dbEncryptionKey Encryption key for the database. (default = null)
  • dbType: Engine Which db engine to use for saving data. (default = Engine.DatabaseType.NONE)
  • dbPath: String Path of the database. (default = "aware_light")
  • dbHost: String Host for syncing the database. (default = null)


Fired Broadcasts

  • LightSensor.ACTION_AWARE_LIGHT fired when light saved data to db after the period ends.

Received Broadcasts

  • LightSensor.ACTION_AWARE_LIGHT_START: received broadcast to start the sensor.
  • LightSensor.ACTION_AWARE_LIGHT_STOP: received broadcast to stop the sensor.
  • LightSensor.ACTION_AWARE_LIGHT_SYNC: received broadcast to send sync attempt to the host.
  • LightSensor.ACTION_AWARE_LIGHT_SET_LABEL: received broadcast to set the data label. Label is expected in the LightSensor.EXTRA_LABEL field of the intent extras.

Data Representations

Light Sensor

Contains the hardware sensor capabilities in the mobile device.

Field Type Description
maxRange Float Maximum sensor value possible
minDelay Float Minimum sampling delay in microseconds
name String Sensor’s name
power Float Sensor’s power drain in mA
resolution Float Sensor’s resolution in sensor’s units
type String Sensor’s type
vendor String Sensor’s vendor
version String Sensor’s version
deviceId String AWARE device UUID
label String Customizable label. Useful for data calibration or traceability
timestamp Long unixtime milliseconds since 1970
timezone Int Raw timezone offset of the device
os String Operating system of the device (ex. android)

Light Data

Contains the raw sensor data.

Field Type Description
light Float the ambient luminance in lux units
accuracy Int Sensor’s accuracy level (see SensorManager)
label String Customizable label. Useful for data calibration or traceability
deviceId String AWARE device UUID
label String Customizable label. Useful for data calibration or traceability
timestamp Long unixtime milliseconds since 1970
timezone Int Raw timezone offset of the device
os String Operating system of the device (ex. android)

Example usage

// To start the service.
LightSensor.start(appContext, LightSensor.Config().apply {
    sensorObserver = object : LightSensor.Observer {
        override fun onDataChanged(data: LightData) {
            // your code here...
    dbType = Engine.DatabaseType.ROOM
    debug = true
    // more configuration...

// To stop the service


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