📚 Keep your team's knowledge organized. Slack → Notion = 💪
To host your own service you only need a few services:
- Create Slack app: Create a new slack app, you should use
to ensure all the proper shortcuts and permissions are set. You also need to define an URL exposed to the internet for the bot to receive events (Localhost URLs will not work!). - Upstash: You can create a free account to host data for Kami
- Notion app: You'll need to create a new notion integration and copy the
Internal Integration Token
. Make sure the root page you select for your local Kami instances has access for new notion integration. You can give access by the following guide - Open AI: Personal Open AI token
docker run \
-it --rm -d \
--name kami \
-p 9000:9000 \
-e HOST_NAME="<app_host_name_no_https_or_slashes>"
-e POST="9000" \
-e NOTION_SECRET_TOKEN="<notion_internal_integration_token>" \
-e SLACK_APP_ID="<slack_app_id>" \
-e SLACK_CLIENT_ID="<slack_client_id>" \
-e SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET="<slack_client_secret>" \
-e SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET="<slack_sighing_secret>" \
-e SLACK_STATE_SECRET="<random_secret>" \
-e OPEN_AI_API_KEY="<open_ai_token>" \
-e REDIS_URL="<upstash_app_url_client_@upstash/redis>" \
-e REDIS_TOKEN="<upstash_app_password_client_@upstash/redis>" \
If you'd like to run a local version similar or exactly like production, these are all the steps required.
Kami requires a few third party services to work properly. You need to have the following accounts setup and create a .env
file with the following variables:
Core slack framework. You'll need the following information:
SLACK_APP_ID="<slack app i>"
SLACK_CLIENT_ID="<slack client id>"
SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET="<slack client secret>"
SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET="<slack sighing secret>"
Allow integration from within Notion
Used for storing the state of the app:
REDIS_URL="<Upstash app url for the client: @upstash/redis>"
REDIS_TOKEN="<Upstash app password for the client: @upstash/redis>"
Used for generating AI content
OPEN_AI_API_KEY="<Open AI token>"
Used for collecting billing, you can disable this by passing DISABLE_STRIPE_BILLING="true"
. If you want to continue with billing, provide the following:
After all those pre-requisites accounts and secrets have been added, this is what your final .env
file should look like:
SLACK_APP_ID="<slack app i>"
SLACK_CLIENT_ID="<slack client id>"
SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET="<slack client secret>"
SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET="<slack sighing secret>"
REDIS_URL="<Upstash app url for the client: @upstash/redis>"
REDIS_TOKEN="<Upstash app password for the client: @upstash/redis>"
OPEN_AI_API_KEY="<Open AI token>"
To run the app, just use the following command:
npm run dev
You'll also need to forward your localhost by either using ngrok or cloudflare tunnels
To run tests, simply run the following command:
npm run test
Check if your code is up to the linting standard, run the following command:
npm run lint
Kami is an open source project, and contributions of any kind are welcome and appreciated. Open issues, bugs, and feature requests are all listed on the issues tab and labeled accordingly. Feel free to open bug tickets and make feature requests. Please follow these small rules to ensure everything can produced smoothly, can't wait to see your work!
- When submitting work, please ensure to create a pull request with pictures or videos showcasing the changes to the app (if any visual changes).
- Ensure the app runs and all linting standards are applied
Have fun and don't be afraid to reach out for any questions or concerns.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.