
It takes a system's volume and temperature and then uses Lee Kesler Correlation values to relate pressure to temperature and volume while assuming ideal gas laws. This is an iterative process to find an approximate pressure.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


In this project, I use C++ along with read-only csv files. The code features the use of regex iterators to traverse through the csv files. It also features a recursive function to recursively calculate pressure and find Z values. The code approximates the pressure at a given temperature for known critical pressure and critical temperature values.

To run the code on Windows:

g++ LeeKesler.cpp

To run the code on Linux:

g++ LeeKesler.cpp

You will then put in every numerical value that is prompted for in this order:

  1. Critical Temperature in Kelvin
  2. Critical Pressure in Bar
  3. Fluid Omega Value
  4. System Temperature in Kelvin
  5. System Volume in cm^3/mol