
Deploy .framework

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

How to deploy compiled framework

Example framework Name: JFrogSDK

** Step1. Create JFrogSDK.xcframework. It will support iOS, M1 Simu, Intel Simu

  1. Open this link and get complete instructions


** Step 2. Once framework created. Create on git repository (JFrogSDK) and clone it on local machice

** Step 3. Copy paste same JFrogSDK.xcframework in respositry

** Step 4. Create JFrogSDK.podspec file in same respositoy

Now respository will have file /JFrogSDK/JFrogSDK.xcframework /JFrogSDK/JFrogSDK.podspec

** Step 5. JFrogSDK.podspec will have this details


Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "JFrogSDK" s.version = "1.0.0" s.summary = "A brief description of MyFramework project." s.description = <<-DESC An extended description of MyFramework project. DESC s.homepage = "https://github.com/example/" s.license = { :type => 'Copyright', :text => <<-LICENSE Copyright 2018 Permission is granted to... LICENSE } s.author = "example@gmail.com" s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/example/JFrogSDK.git", :tag => "#{s.version}" } s.public_header_files = "JFrogSDK.xcframework//JFrogSDK.framework/Headers/*.h" s.source_files = "JFrogSDK.xcframework//JFrogSDK.framework/Headers/*.h" s.vendored_frameworks = "JFrogSDK.xcframework" s.platform = :ios s.swift_version = "5.5" s.ios.deployment_target = '12.0'

s.framework  = "Foundation"



** Step 6. Only we need to push compiled framdwork and podspec file

/JFrogSDK/JFrogSDK.podspec // Update tag number in this file which you will deploy example 1.0.0n

License file only if you specified in podspec file. In my case I haven't specified

** Step 7. Pushed the changes

** Step 8. validate pod spec with command

pod lint spec JFrogSDK.podspec --vervose

or with details

pod lib lint JFrogSDK.podspec --no-clean --verbose

** Step 9. Create tag git tag 1.0.0 and push tag git tag origin 1.0.0

** Step 10. Push framework tag on pod

pod trunk push JFrogSDK.podspec

** Congrats That's all, You have done it, How to consume now

** Step 1. Create sample

cd projectpath

pod init

Add in pod file

pod 'JFrogSDK', '1.0.2'

pod install

** Done That's all

** FAQ When you pod spec lint JFrogSDK.podspec you may below errors

** Not finding headers

(Add header path like "JFrogSDK.xcframework/**/JFrogSDK.framework/Headers/*.h")

** - ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (The plist file at path /private/var/folders/84/9kg991n93qg94rl36s3bj4cc0000gn/T/CocoaPods-Lint-20220912-406-cu6tgp-JFrogSDK/Pods/JFrogSDK/JFrogSDK.xcframework/Info.plist doesn't exist.) during validation

You might be missing .plist in your git respository. May be because of .ignore file or other check on browser whether file is present or not

If not

.. project path

run commands git add . -f git commit -m "Commit update files" update podspec file and create new tag.