
Lab 5 - CSE 5542 - Sarthak Awasthi

Describes how to use your program In the 3d_playground.html file, I have created a 3D playground scene (playground_green.js) containing four light poles, a slider with a ladder, a sitting bench, a tree, a humanoid, a swing and the teapot 3D model kept on the sitting bench.

Texture Mapping: The scene is enhanced with a texture-mapped 3D teapot model. It uses texture from 'earth.png' image file.

Environment Cube Mapping: The scene also has environment cube mapping to represent the environment around the 3D scene. The textures used are from website. The cubemap is Ansia Camping site in Lycksele, Sweden.

The reflections on the objects in the scene can be clearly seen. If you rotate the scene using instructions given below, the reflections change accordingly.

Among other features, certain objects animate on their own. For example, the heads of light poles change their color automatically. The light source (as a skymoon in the scene) revolves around the 3D scene. The light properties are preserved and can be seen moving around the objects as the light source revolves.

For movement of certain objects manually, please follow these instructions as given below:

For moving the humanoid, press 'w', 's', 'a', 'd' keys to move it in forward, backward, left and right direction respectively. It will work with 'W', 'S', 'A' and 'D' keys as well. To switch to moving the blue swing, press 'm' key. Then press similar keys as above for movement. To move back to moving the humanoid, press 'm' key again. For camera movement, press 'P' to look up, 'p' to look down (pitch), 'Y' to look left, 'y' to look right (yaw), and 'R' to move camera clockwise and 'r' for counterclockwise (roll).

In summary, the 3D scene has been enriched with texture and environment cube mapping as well as some new features and features from previous labs to make it immersive in nature.

Lists which browser/OS you developed your code on Chrome, MacOS Ventura 13.3.1