
A CLI application to delete unused node modules


npm install -g module-cleaner


Takes a projects directory and looks for any node_module folders contained inside of it. Once found, the folder and all contents are deleted using the fs-extra package's remove() method. Optionally, can flag project directories to ignore.

Default ignored folders:

  • Any hidden files i.e. ".gitignore" ".nvm"
  • macOS - usr, System, System Volume Information, Applications, Application Support
  • Windows - Windows, AppData, Application Data, Cookies, Program Files, Program Files(x86), Local Settings, Documents and Settings

*** Install Globally to avoid deleting this package with other node_modules ***


Directory structure:

  • Projects/
    • Project-1/
      • index.js
      • package.json
      • package-lock.json
      • node_modules
    • Project-2/
      • index.js
      • package.json
      • package-lock.json
      • node_modules
    • Project-3/
      • index.js
      • package.json
      • package-lock.json
      • node_modules
npm install -g module-cleaner
cleanmodules -r ~/Desktop/Projects -- Project-3 

Directory structure: .

  • Projects/
    • Project-1/
      • index.js
      • package.json
      • package-lock.json
    • Project-2/
      • index.js
      • package.json
      • package-lock.json
    • Project-3/
      • index.js
      • package.json
      • package-lock.json
      • node_modules


  • -c - Include current directory in directories to delete. Current directory's node_modules get bypassed by default
  • -r - A string of the directory to start traversing from
  • -f - Bypass default behavior of getting permission before each deletion
  • -- Array of strings of the directories not to delete

*** Note: -- must be placed after any other option flags ***

Technologies/Services/Packages Used

  • fs-extra
  • jest
  • mock-fs
  • node.js
  • readline-sync
  • yargs

Run Locally

  1. Clone this repo
git clone
  1. Go into project directory
cd module-cleaner
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
node moduleCleaner.js -r SOME-PROJECT-DIRECTORY

All feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thanks!