
javascript based mindmap library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT




MindWired is javascript library to build mindmap.

1. installing

1.1. installing library

npm install @mind-wired/core

1.2. html

MDWD library needs a placeholder for mindmap

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="mind-wired.css" />
    <script src="mind-wired.js"></script>
    <div id="mmap-root"></div>
  • #mmap-root - placeholder for rendering(free for naming)
  • mind-wired.css - required for minimal styling
  • mind-wired.js - mind-wired library

creating an instance of mind-wired

Sample 01: https://codepen.io/yeori/pen/abqGZWp

    <link .../>
    <script ...></script>
    <div id="mmap-root">

      el: "#mmap-root",
      ui: null,
    }).then((mwd) => {
      // install nodes here
        model: {
          type: "text",
          text: "Mind\nWired",
        view: {x: 0, y: 0}
  • It has a singl root node, Mind\nWired
  • \n means linewrap

ui: null creates 600x600 canvas. You can specify canvas size.

  el: ...,
  ui: {width: 800, height: 800}
  • 800x800 canvas.
  • {width: "100%", height: 600} is possible.

Let's prepare tree structure

 +- Left at (-70, -40)
 +- Right at (70, -20)
     +- Cat at (60,  0)
     +- Dog at (60, 40)
  • root MindWried has two children, Left and Right
  • node Right has two children, Cat and Dog

node structrue

Sample 02: https://codepen.io/yeori/pen/GRQdqPz

      .then((mwd) => {
        // install nodes here
          model: {
            type: "text",
            text: "Mind\nWired",
          view: { x: 0, y: 0 },
          subs: [
              model: { text: "Left" },
              view: { x: -70, y: -40 }
              model: { text: "Right" },
              view: { x: 70, y: -20 },
              subs: [
                  model: { text: "Cat" },
                  view: { x: 60, y: 0 }
                  model: { text: "Dog" },
                  view: { x: 60, y: 40 }
  • coord (x, y) is relative to it's parent node
  • Node Dogis at (60, 40) from its parent Right
  • Node Right is at (70, -20) form it's parent MindWired
  • Nodes Left, Cat and Dog has no child. (subs can be skipped)

2. Style

2.1. Canvas Style

2.1.1. Snap to node

MindWired supports snap to node, which helps node alignment while dragging.

    ui: {
      snap: {           # optional
        limit: 4,       # within 4 pixels
        width: 0.4,     # snap line width
        dash: [6, 2],   # dashed line style
        color: "red",   # line color
  • Snap guide line is displayed when a node is whithin 4 pixels to the adjacent nodes.

You can disable snap to node by setting false

    ui: {
      snap: false

2.2. Node Style

All nodes are given some class values to support css styling.

After initialization, a viewport, canvas and div.mwd-nodes are injected into the element you specify

<div id="mmap-root">
  <!-- geneared automatically by mind-wired -->
  <div data-mind-wired-viewport>
    <div class="mwd-nodes">
      <div class="mwd-node">
        <div class="node-body">...</div>
      <div class="mwd-node">
        <div class="node-body">...</div>
  • data-mind-wired-viewport is reserved data attribute
  • Edges are rendered on canvas
  • Nodes are placed on .mwd-nodes
  • Each node is rendered on .mwd-node > .node-body

2.2.1. Level class value

Each node is assigned level property, 0 for root node, 1 for child of root node and so on, which is used for level class value.

  +- [Left]
  +- [Right]

  • Root node TOP - class="level-0"
  • Node Left - class="level-1"
  • Node Right - class="level-1"
  • Node Cat - class="level-2"
  • level number changes whenever depth of node changes(except root node)

Here is css to assign rouned border with bigger text to root node,

[data-mind-wired-viewport] .mwd-body.level-0 {
  border: 1px solid #444;
  border-radius: 8px;
  font-size: 1.5rem;
  • be sure to keep .node-body together to override default css style

If you want to define style for level 1(Left, Right)

[data-mind-wired-viewport] .mwd-body.level-1 {
  font-size: 1.25rem;
  background-color: #e9ffe0;
  color: darkgreen;

2.2.2. Schema

A group of nodes need to have same style regardless of level (pizza, bread, cheese with same border, background and font style).

Schema is defined in each node

  model: {
    text: "What to eat for lunch?",
  view: {...},
  subs: [{
      schema: 'food'
    view: {...}
  }, {
      schema: 'food'
    view: {...}
  }, {
      text:'Fried Chicken',
      schema: 'food'
    view: {...}
  • path - model.schema in each node definition
  • type: string

It is rendered as class value

<div id="mmap-root">
  <!-- geneared automatically by mind-wired -->
  <div data-mind-wired-viewport>
    <div class="mwd-nodes">
      <div class="mwd-node">
        <div class="node-body">...</div>
        <div class="mwd-subs">
          <!-- nodes with schema 'food' are assigned class 'food' -->
          <div class="mwd-node">
            <div class="node-body food">[Pizza]</div>
          <div class="mwd-node">
            <div class="node-body food">[Bread]</div>
          <div class="mwd-node">
            <div class="node-body food">[Fried Chicken]</div>
  • class food is assigned, which is the name of schema

Nodes of schema food can be styled like

[data-mind-wired-viewport] .mwd-body.food {
  background-color: #ffec48;
  border-radius: 60% 30% 60% 30%;
  padding: 2px 4px;
  font-weight: 500;
  color: #6d4800;

3.2. Edge Style

node: {
  model { ... },
  view: {
    x: ...,
    y: ...,
    layout: ...,
    edge: {
      name: 'line',  # name of edge renderer
      color: 'blue', # edge color
      width: 4       # edge width
  • path : view.edge of node
  • 4 edge styles(line, natural_curve, mustache_lr and mustache_tb) are available.
  • All nodes inherite edge style from it's parent(and so on)

Example: mustache_lr edge

Let install mustache_lr edge on the root node

SAMPLE 03: https://codepen.io/yeori/pen/KKQRgdg

  .then((mwd) => {
    // install nodes here
      model: {
        type: "text",
        text: "Mind\nWired",
      view: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        edge: {
          name: 'mustache_lr',
          color: '#53ab76',
          width: 2
      subs: [...],
  • path : view.edge of node
  • color - keyword defined in css color keywords or web color (ex #acdeff)

Edge preview

1. line


      // for line edge
      view: {
        x: ..., y: ...,
        edge: {
          name: 'line',
          color: ...,
          width: ...

2. mustache_lr (bottom)


      // for mustach_lr bottom edge
      view: {
        x: ...,
        y: ...,
        edge: {
          name: 'mustache_lr',
          option: {
            valign: "bottom",
          color: ...,
          width: ...

3. mustache_lr(center)


      // for mustach_lr center edge
      view: {
        x: ...,
        y: ...,
        edge: {
          name: 'mustache_lr',
          // option: {
          //   valign: "center",
          // },
          color: ...,
          width: ...
  • center is default

4. mustache_tb


      // for mustach_lr center edge
      view: {
        x: ...,
        y: ...,
        edge: {
          name: 'mustache_tb',
          color: ...,
          width: ...

5. natural_curve


      // for natural_curve center edge
      view: {
        x: ...,
        y: ...,
        edge: {
          name: 'natural_curve',
          color: ...,
          width: ...

4. Layout

When you drag node Right to the left side of the root node in Sample 03, child nodes cat and Dog keep their side, which results in annoying troublesome(have to drag all sub nodes and so on).

should move the child nodes

Layout can help moving all descendant nodes to the opposite side when a node moves.

Let's install X-AXIS on the root node

Sample 04: https://codepen.io/yeori/pen/rNJvMwp

  .then((mwd) => {
    // install nodes here
      model: {...},
      view: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        layout: {type: 'X-AXIS'},
        edge: {...}
      subs: [...],
  • path: view.layout of node
  • All nodes inherits layout configuration from the parent node.
  • Dragging node Right to the opposite side makes Cat and Dog change their sides.

5. Events

5.1. Node

event name description
node.created node(s) created
node.updated node(s) updated(content, position, path)
node.deleted node(s) updated


event triggered when node is created(Enter, or Shift+Enter)

  .then((mwd) => {
    // install event listener
    mwd.listen('node.created', (e) => {
      const { nodes } = e;
      console.log('[CREATED]', nodes);


triggered when node is updated by

  • dragging
  • changing parent
  • parent deleted
  .then((mwd) => {
    // install event listener
    mwd.listen('node.updated', (e) => {
      const {nodes, type} = e;
      console.log('[UPDATED]', nodes, type);
  • nodes - updated nodes
  • type - one of path, pos, model

type have one of three values.

  1. path - means the nodes have changed parent(by dragging control icon).
  2. pos - means the nodes move by dragging
  3. model - content has updated(text, icon, etc)


triggered when node is deleted(delete, fn+delete in mac)

  .then((mwd) => {
    // install event listener
    mwd.listen('node.deleted', (e) => {
      const {nodes} = e;
      console.log('[DELETED]', nodes);

If deleted node has children, they are moved to node.parent, which triggers node.updated event

6. Short Key


on idle node

Ctrl Alt Shift KEY description
Ctrl Alt Shift Click description
click make node active
shift click add node to active

on active state

  • When one or more nodes are selected
Ctrl Alt Shift KEY description
Enter insert sinbling of active node enter
shift Enter insert child on active node shift+enter
Delete delete active node(s), fn+delete in mac
Space start editing state of active node

on editing state

  • When editor of an active node is open
Ctrl Alt Shift KEY description
Enter save data and finish editing
esc finish editing state without save

7. Store, Load

Current mindmap can be serialized to json text.

let mwd;
  .then(instance => {
    // 1. binding mindmap instance
    mwd = instance;

btnSave.addEventListener('click', () => {
  // 2. export as json
  mwd.export("json").then((json) => {
    // saved on localStorage or sent to backend-server
}, false)

You can load the map from json text.

let mwd;
load_from_your_server().then(res => {
  const json = res.json // from your server
    .then(instance => {
      // 3. load the map from json
      mwd = instance;
      const nodes = JSON.parse(json);