
Example of a plugin extending the Spinnaker backend PF4J extension points

Primary LanguageKotlin

CI Latest Kork Latest Orca

Spinnaker Plugin (PF4J based) for random wait stage


  1. Run ./gradlew releaseBundle
  2. Put the /build/distributions/<project>-<version>.zip into the configured plugins location for your service.
  3. Configure the Spinnaker service. Put the following in the service yml to enable the plugin and configure the extension.
        enabled: true
            enabled: true
              defaultMaxWaitTime: 60

Or use the examplePluginRepository to avoid copying the plugin .zip artifact.

To debug the plugin inside a Spinnaker service (like Orca) using IntelliJ Idea follow these steps:

  1. Run ./gradlew releaseBundle in the plugin project.
  2. Copy the generated .plugin-ref file under build in the plugin project submodule for the service to the plugins directory under root in the Spinnaker service that will use the plugin .
  3. Link the plugin project to the service project in IntelliJ (from the service project use the + button in the Gradle tab and select the plugin build.gradle).
  4. Configure the Spinnaker service the same way specified above.
  5. Create a new IntelliJ run configuration for the service that has the VM option -Dpf4j.mode=development and does a Build Project before launch.
  6. Debug away...