
Odoo Framework E2E Testing using Cypress

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Odoo Framework E2E Testing using Cypress

Using odoo-cypress run your Odoo E2E tests on any CI is very simple.

Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything in odoo.


Test Case : Workflow Quotation:

  • Select partner
  • Select first product : CONS_DEL01] Server
  • Check value of unit_price after onchange product
  • Select second product : [CPUi5] Processor Core i5 2.70 Ghz
  • Check value of unit_price after onchange product
  • Save quoation
  • Check the amount_total of Quotation
  • Confirm quoation
  • check state should have 'Sales Order' value

You can do this test case with this code :

it('Quotation',  function(){
   cy.M2O_SetValue_O2M('order_line','product_id','[CONS_DEL01] Server')
   cy.M2O_SetValue_O2M('order_line','product_id','[CPUi5] Processor Core i5 2.70 Ghz')
   cy.Button('Confirm Sale')
   cy.State_CheckValue('state','Sales Order')


To use this project locally as a dev dependency for your project:

git clone https://github.com/borni-dhifi/odoo-cypress
cd odoo-cypress
npm install cypress

Run Test

Modify file cypress.env.json with your odoo server param:

     "odoo_url": "http://localhost:8070",
     "database": "cypress2",
     "user": "admin",
     "password": "admin"
##launch the Cypress Test Runner
##in the GUI mode
npm run cy_open
## runs all tests and exits with the total number of
## failures across all tests
npm run cy_run
### runs all tests in specific browser
npm run cy_run_chrome
### sends test results, videos, screenshots
### to Cypress dashboard
npm run cy_run_record

Write tests

To write your tests just edit the file odoo-cypress/cypress/integration/odoo_spec.js and add your tests case :

it('Your Test Case 1',  function(){ 

it('Your Test Case 2',  function(){ 

or you can create new file odoo-cypress/cypress/integration/your_file_name.js and write your tests.

describe('Test Invoice Workflow', function(){
  context('Invoice', function(){ 
    it('Create and validate invoice', function(){ 

Continuous Integration

Running your Odoo E2E tests on any CI is very simple : Jenkins, TravisCI, CircleCI, GitLab .... is the same as running it locally.

  • Travis

Example .travis.yml config file

  - cypress run --record
  • CircleCI

Example circle.yml config file

    - cypress run --record
  • Gitlab

Example .gitlab-ci.yml file

image: cypress/base
    - npm install
    - $(npm bin)/cypress run
  • Docker

For Docker You can either start with a base image or with an image that already includes Cypress tool.

Use the official image cypress/base. A typical Dockerfile would look like this:

FROM cypress/base
RUN npm install
RUN $(npm bin)/cypress run

Recording Tests in CI

Tou can record your tests running and make them available in Cypress Dashboard


  • Improve the waiting method.
  • Add more methods for framework .
  • I think is better to remove XML_ID from MainMenu/SubMenu
