
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Place pairs

Exploring an idle thought: how far are pairs of places from each other? How far are Parma, Ohio, and Milan, Ohio, from each other compared to Parma and Milan in Italy?


  • ohio_abroad.csv: hand-curated list of place names in Ohio and their corresponding namesake location abroad. The intent is to only include towns or communities that are directly named after places outside the United States. This should not include towns whose direct namesake is a place in the United States (e.g. Lancaster or Geneva).
  • ohio_abroad_locs.csv: above list annotated with coordinates based on querying the Open Street Map nominatim API. This lookup is performed in nb/pair_distances.ipynb.


This project uses poetry and pyenv to manage the Python environment (3.9.6). (This can currently be a little awkward with new changes in poetry, python-poetry/poetry#4317, python-poetry/poetry#4199 (comment))

pyenv install 3.9.6
pyenv local 3.9.6
poetry env use $(pyenv which python)
poetry install
poetry run jupyter lab

The notebook includes the following:

  • prepare updated ohio_abroad_locs.csv from ohio_abroad.csv
  • generate pairs.json and pairs_close.json in nested format used by site
  • characterizes the most extreme distances


The project includes a simple webpage that provides a quiz for each pair of locations: is the pair of Ohio locations or abroad locations closer?

The page is containerized to run locally:

docker-compose up

The contents of app/site/ can be deployed as a static site, e.g. even just out of an S3 bucket.